Finding the right counseling post-op

Hi all - I am about 10 months post-op RNY, and I have had a very good experience for the most part - no major complications and a relatively easly time transitioning to my lifestyle changes so far. I've lost abotu 120 lbs and am very happy with that. The thing is, I know that the surgery helped me change my body, but I haven't done too much to change my brain and deal with the emotional issues that were certainly a factor in my morbid obesity in the first place. In addition to that, I have traded one body issue for another - I used to not want to wear many summer clothes because I was too fat to look good in them. Now, as a size 8/10, I am able to wear just about anything, but all of my hanging skin (epecially my arms and underarms) makes me even more self-conscious. I plan on having plastic surgery to help with this eventually (probably in about a year), but until that time I still have to get through this summer, and I live in FL - there is no escaping wearing tank tops, etc and it's really starting to stress me out and is taking the enjoyment out of my hard work and achievements to this point. Anyway, I am looking for a psychologist/psychiatrist/counselor to help me work on my issues and I'm not sure how to go about finding one that will work for me. I'm a bit of a cynic when it comes to head-shrinking (I have too many psychiatrists in my family), but I do feel this is something that I want and need. I want someone who will understand the WLS portion as well as someone who helps people through emotional eating, etc, etc. When some of you found your "counseling", where there specific questions you asked, did you have to go through several people before you found a good match, how long did you go or do you still? Did you find them off a website? From your surgeon's group? Gosh, so many questions - any insight you post-ops can offer would be great. I'm a little frustrated - I've been through 3 or 4 people that just didn't work for me. My sirgeon's office and the team they work with are too far for me to benefit from regular counseling from them. Thank you!!    — stellarsan (posted on March 11, 2010)

March 11, 2010
My surgeon had a list of counselors for us to choose from when we did our obligatory psych eval. Some were close to the hospital, and others were in different parts of town. If you have a bariatric surgeon in your local area, even though you didn't use him or her, you might check with their office to see if there is a local shrink they can refer you to. Otherwise, contact your local eating disorders program....most hospitals have one. Any psychologist or psychiatrist that works with an eating disorders program will be able to help you out.
   — Erica Alikchihoo

March 11, 2010
You may need to try a couple different counselors 'til you find one who has all the right experiences/ sensitivities. When you do go to one, make sure to ask about all your main issues... and ask if they're comfortable or if they can refer you to someone who is. You can search the internet for counselors in your area... some may have websites of their own so you can get a feel for what areas they specialize in.
   — Greg K.

March 11, 2010
I just want to encourage you and to congratulate you for getting to the "meat" (or fat) of this issue. Counseling is the key to success as far as I am concerned. The mental/emotional body also needs "surgery" in order to accept the physical change gracefully. Good luck, and keep up the good work.
   — browngathers

March 11, 2010
I sound like you with your issues. I too feel funny about my arms, but I will just buy a longer sleeved shirt. I too live in FL, and I will not go to the beach on account of my legs, I have a lot of wrinkles on them. I am under goal, but unlike you, I have had a lot of issues with protein and barfing, but I would do this surgery in an heartbeat again. I had my surgery done at a center of excellence and they have a lot of support groups and I try to attend. Even though I am weighing 135, I still think I weigh 245 at times. It is all in the brain. Good luck to you sister.
   — FSUMom

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