I have a question for the post -ops about your new journey

I understand everyone is different, but I have seen some of my co-workers that have gone through the surgery, and some say they are depressed and others dont, is this something to epect when I become post-op, or is this just hidden issues that the person didnt deal with beforehand?    — belizeanboi (posted on March 11, 2009)

March 10, 2009
Food has been a important "long-term" friend, comfort and coping mechanism for me! It is sort of like getting a divorce from someone I loved very much who was hurting and abusing me! I worked very hard to separate myself before my RNY but there were residual grief that I had to deal with. It was soooo worth the psychological work that I have done on my issues to start this new life! Good luck, Rena RNY 4/30/08 110 lbs; lost 117 lbs forever!
   — RenaMansi

March 10, 2009
Hi Shawn, I think that although every situation is different, it's usually a case of unfinished business. I have lost 97 pounds since last August and have been treated for depression and have taken depression meds for sometime now. I can honestly say I haven't had a single day of depression since my surgery. I really think every case is individual. Some people might get depressed just because they have lost their "friend" which was food. It's hard to say. I hope you have great success in your journey. It sounds like you are going into it with your eyes open!
   — katiecakes

March 10, 2009
I didn't have any depression post surgery (mine was 3/2/09). I did break down & cry about 2 times this past week, though. I think it's our bodies processing all we've been through with surgery, pre & post op diet, etc. It's alot to handle. I don't believe depression will be a definite side effect of surgery...each person is different & will handle things in their own way. But I think if you are an upbeat, positive person pre will remain so post op...Plus, if you have a good network of family & friends by your side, you will be ok! Best of luck in your journey:) Diane
   — angel325

March 10, 2009
Hi Shawn, My surg was 7/1/08..lost 100lbs. I have not had any depression. NO regrets of anything. I am a pretty up beat person. I have had issues with nausea. But, sooo very happy to of had the surg and be loosing the weight that even being nauseaited (not sure on correct spell) I am very happy. I think we all come thru the surg and weight loss as our own personalities allow us to. If you have issues to work out before do so. And follow thru from there..if you still need to work on things do so.Become the best you are able and then live a long wonderful new life!
   — tootsie52

March 11, 2009
I think some people have unresolved issues, but the main problem is giving up a life style you have developed. You must redesign your life. It is a good thing but some people find it hard. They go into this not realizing they can never eat like they want. This is a permanate change. I love it but there are days when it is very hard.
   — trible

March 11, 2009
Hi Shawn... I did months and months of preparation for this RNY surgery, and I was excited and ready for it when it happened last week on March 2nd. I went through a period of grieving for the lifestyle I was giving up - one where I could eat anything I wanted, and as much as I wanted, and anytime I wanted. But I expected that. I knew what I was exchanging for the healthy life I want to have. And down the road, who knows? Maybe I can have a bite of this or a bite of that. I just know that I have not been depressed or upset, other than the period of grieving about which I just spoke, which seemed to last about two weeks.
   — Erica Alikchihoo

March 11, 2009
I am 6 weeks post lap RNY and I have to say it is not easy. My first days home I had dumping from milk and I just wanted to die and questioned why I did this to myself. I was very educated about what to expect but it is a big change. Now I'm 35lbs down and grateful.Attend support groups if they are available and share your feeling. No one can understand except someone who has gone through it.
   — [Deactivated Member]

March 11, 2009
I am also going through something. I realize I was an emotional eater and food was a "good" friend. So, now I am going through the fact that I have "lost" my friend. I was using food as a crutch.
   — mslts297

March 11, 2009
I was a happy gal before surgery and I'm still a happy gal! And I LOVE my new tiny tummy and all the excitement my weight loss has brought to my life!
   — GlitterGal

March 11, 2009
Medicall speaking your hormons will change so some mood changes are to be expected. However, some of it will be like loosing a friend. I used food as my anti depressent, anti anger solution. So with that in mind it becomes how you personally feel about food.
   — phyllismmay

March 12, 2009
I went thru diferent phases of pure happy joy some pretty looooow lows as well...You have to learn to live with huge changes and that can be very stressful...any change can be stressful, even good changes...You have to deal with issues as they come up rather than judge it as a whole...I have days I feel like I am still fat...and other days I feel awesome! Some days I want to give up and stop trying ...Some days I want to throw all my vitamins on the lawn and just stop taking them! Some days I have no idea what to eat and if I forgot to take out something for dinner I am faced with scary decisions like ordering a pizza or chinese! LOL But I go out and get a roasted chicken and I'm fine! LOL It's really about attitude...and knowing the surgery inside and out. What's wrong in your head before surgery doesn't get fixed...The changes can be overwhelming if you are not prepared and have done your research...As for Me? When I am not overflowing with happiness...I am content...I still have lows and even crabby moods now and then..but in general I have not ever been more happy and at peace with my life as I am now and the last 5 years post op. Think positve and learn as much as you can about YOU and who you are, what you are made of etc... as well as your surgery...Face your demons and accept them...Look deep into your fears and conquer or slay's all about attitude...Believe you are going to be so happy and successful and you will be! That's all I did honestly...a lot of soul searching...a lot of surgery researching...and a whole lot of positive thinking... It's been a great recipe for success...I never entertained the thought of failing...I push those thoughts away...They do come up...they do..but I refuse to let them take over and become a solid thought or fear...and I slay it by just reassuring myself how strong I really am and how far I have come with this attitude! I deserve this! YOU DO TO! So tell yourself that and depression will be easier to get thru...I won't lie and say you won't feel it...You probably will...Get help if you can't do it alone...There is NOTHING wrong with help!
   — .Anita R.

March 12, 2009
I just mentally prepared myself to cut all ties with food before my RNY 3 years ago. I wasn't depressed over the fact that I couldn't eat as much. Actually, I lost the desire to eat a lot of what I used to eat as a heavy person. So that was good to prepare myself for eating small meals or liquid meals. You won't be hungry for the first 3-4 months, until your nerves start growing back in your stomach. I think it depends on your relationship you have with food whether you will miss it. Hope this helps.
   — Kristy

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