Five Year Weight History

I know more questions. I went to the aetna website and read the medical policy bulletin 0157. It states that I need a five year weight history. I have only been going to the doctor regularly for the last three years. Previous to that, I was one of those people who felt if I don t feel bad, why go to the doctor. So, will this hinder the insurance approval or will the six month supervised diet be sufficient enough?    — cocodrop7 (posted on December 31, 2008)

December 31, 2008
I did not have the same insurance co. as you do but I too had no 5 year weight history which my insurance co also required. I only had 2 years worth of Dr. documented history. I then used about 4 picutres of myself from each year which obviously showed my weight problem. with all that they approved me!
   — ceecee127

December 31, 2008
The 5 year weight lose history is not a concern. As with all of us we have been on diets our entire lives. All they want is what you have done over the last 5 years to lose weight. Guess what, none of us ever remember what we have done over the last 5 weeks let alone 5 years. Just make up a bunch of stuff as you can remember and go from there. Just make sure you go to a nutritionist and don't skip a month. Also your PCP.... I just had my surgery and had all done just right. If you need further help and need to know more info, just contact me and I will be glad to help.
   — sciguy4u

December 31, 2008
I also have Aetna insurance. The first time I applied for preapproval I was denied because I didn't have 5 years of medical history. Since I was on Aetna insurance for over 5 fives I sent them a request for all of my medical claims for the last 5 years. I knew I had been to the doctor at various times for simple things like the flu or colds but couldn't remember when or what clinic. I then contacted those doctors/clinic and requested my records. All Aetna is looking for is documentation of your weight. So everytime you have gone to the doctor and they have weighted you, counts as a verification of your weight. It took me several months to get everything together but it was worth as I was immediately approved and had my band placed in October. Also, I had to go have a sleep apena test done which helped as my BMI was a little lower than Aetna's requirments. They will approve if you are presistant.
   — VerrillVickey

January 1, 2009
i didn't have a consistent 5yr hist either. fortunately, i had gone to eye doctor and to dentist who both took my weight. lol! go figure! so, this, plus my OB/GYN's records were enough. good luck!
   — andrea E.

January 1, 2009
I have Aetna and they do make you jump thru hoops. I had to write a letter stating what my weight history has been over the last 3-5 yrs. It was maybe one or two sentences. One of the women at the Bariatric program at HUP helped me with the letter to make sure I included the right things. So, 9 out of 10 you'll have to do the same thing, just write a letter about your weight history. Just a FYI - whatever you do, once you start with your monthly visits, DO NOT GAIN ANY WEIGHT! I didn't know this and I gained one pound and my doc was nervous that I wouldn't be approved by the insurance company! She said Aetna was very strict when it came to following your weight loss progress and wants to make sure that you're committed. So, of course, she only had to tell me once and after that, I MADE SURE I either stayed the same or lost a pound or two. So far, I've lost 5 lbs and now I'm 7 days before my surgery date.
   — Kayla B.

January 1, 2009
Vickey's suggestion is a good one about medical records. If you can show any proof of MD weight check and go back prior to five years if you must. Aetna is a stickler about their guidelines. I would make sure you had all the proof you need. Also, even if you have had a company required physical - anytime MD office took your weight would do.
   — Nurzrobin

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