Do people feel like they have yuck mouth after surgery

pasty or dry    — Redstarborne (posted on April 29, 2008)

April 29, 2008
Yes, my mouth was very dry for several days. This is common for all types of surgery. Probably has something to do with the anasthesia. It gets better.
   — cjjordan

April 29, 2008
Yes...It's called Ketosis. It leaves a foul taste and oder in your mouth. It's all a part of the rapid weight loss process after surgery...EVERYONE goes into ketosis...It's a good thing for now...You know you're losing weight!
   — .Anita R.

April 29, 2008
In addition to the first two answers, if you had a RNY, they use a "Circular Stapler" to conect the pouch and the second part of the small intestine. Their is a lubricant on this tool that sometimes winds up in your mouth, and they don't get it all out before you go to recovery. Sip water and spit it out, or ask for some mouthwash. Also if they have you on any secondary air source, that will dry out your mouth, even though it is feeding your nose. It will be find, just give it some time and get down lots of water. Best of success to you.
   — William (Bill) wmil

April 29, 2008
Yeah, the ole yuck mouth is both common and gross. I believe it is a combination of a few factors, the pre-op medicine to dry your saliva up, ketosis, anesthesia and the pain medicine. All of these things will cause as you call it "yuck mouth". I would, and still do keep a bottle of water on my nightstand for when you wake up and your tongue is stuck to the roof of your mouth. I suck on sugar free mints, and rinse with less intense Listerine mouth wash. All seem to help. Good luck to you, Dawn Vickers, RN, BLC, CLC
   — DawnVic

April 30, 2008
yes, I brushed my teeth most every time I woke up, it helped a lot. Patricia P.
   — Patricia P

May 1, 2008
Yes, you will have it brush your teeth frequently.
   — nascar_angel_3_2003

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