Before the surgery, did anyone here have bad swelling?

I swell in my hands, feet, legs and ankles really badly everyday. Some days is worse than others. My blood pressure is always good, and my heart rate ranges between 100 to 105 beats per minute which I know is high. Does anyone have any idea what could be causing this? I am even taking two fluid pills a day that the doctor gave me but it doesn't even faze the swelling. Help!    — linemans_wyf (posted on May 23, 2007)

May 23, 2007
Prior to my surgery I started haveing some major fluid retention and got to the point I couldn't walk or stand. It was that bad. I am 28 and it was no good. I also have rhuemitoid arthritis and my dr. put me on a diuretic and lost 22lbs of fluid prior to surgery (in 6 days prior). I would talk to your dr and let them know that the particuliar med isn't working and have him try something else. Good Luck
   — hugger1021

May 23, 2007
Tara, I used to have that problem. My feet would swell so bad, I could poke it and there would be a huge indent. It wasn't painful but very annoying. My dr. said it was due to heat, weight, and salt intake. I used less salt but it didn't help. I was like that for the last year or so. Putting my feet up for a few hours would help but once I started walking or moving around, they'd swell again. I haven't had surgery yet, but have been working on losing 30 lbs before surgery and have lost 21 for sure so far. After losing the first 10 or so, the swelling completely went away. That was in the last couple months. My fingers and feet are not swollen at all. So I've summed it up as the "water" weight, or whatever they call that added weight over your actual weight. Once I lost a few pounds, that was what went away first. Hopefully it will work for you too. Good luck!
   — itzmetami

May 23, 2007
Hi, I actually asked this same question prior to my surgery. I had the swelling in my lower legs and was also on two duiretics. Since I had my RNY this has went away along with no more pills. My heart rate which also was high like yours, came down also. I now have a heart rate of 77-80.
   — cathy41tired

May 23, 2007
Idopathic Edema...I had it before surgery and it's gotten soooooo much better after the surgery. I'm almost 2 months post op and it hasn't disappeared yet, but I know it will. I used to swell from head to toes (even eye lids!) and no medicine (lasix, water pills etc) work on Idopathic Edema. As a matter of fact lasix, water pills etc just make it worse. No one knows why it happens in some and not others, it just happens. Hang in there and know it WILL get better/disappear after surgery! Good luck!
   — crystalsno

May 23, 2007
Could it be lymphedema? I think that I have it in my lower legs and while it hasn't gone away (a little over 220 lbs lost, 100 to go), it is better. If it is, the lymph fluid is getting trapped in your limbs so water pills won't help it much. Ask your doc if it looks like this.. Good luck!
   — Lauren003

May 23, 2007
How are your kidneys working. If you are taking 2 diuretic medications and still swelling then you need to go back to your doctor for some further questions/testing and some answers. Do you watch your sodium intake? That includes the hidden salt in frozen and canned foods. I imagine your heart rate is still high as you are carrying too much fluid. have you had your electrolytes and hormone levels checked lately? When were you started on the diruectic medications, have you been taking them faithfully. Do you get the correct amount of fluids in daily... there are alot of questions that need to be asked...
   — Kari_K

May 23, 2007
I had bad swelling due to the blood pressure medicine I was taking and water weight. They changed my blood pressure med and I immediately lost 5 lbs. Since my lap band on April 23rd I've lost another 20+ pounds and the swelling is gone. I even lost feeling in my fingers and they tingled all the time. I think losing just those first few pounds and drinking lots of water daily has done the trick for me. Maybe check any medications you are on for swelling as a side effect?? My doctor missed this several times before it was finally caught by her NP!!
   — delora10

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