I'm having the RNY done, any advise on how I should expect to feel afterwards?

   — sjwilson (posted on March 31, 2006)

March 31, 2006
Stephanie: You did not say if you're getting it done open or laprascopically. I had an open RNY. It is major abdominal surgery so naturally there will be pain. The first two days were the roughest for me. It was hard getting up and down, and there was alot of nausea. I did feel that I was given adequate pain relief though, and meds to help control the nausea. I felt so much better on the third day! It took me a week to 10 days, before I could sleep in my bed, too hard getting up and down. I slept in a recliner. By the second week home, I was walking outside going a little farther each day. The recovery from laprascopic surgery will be easier, as they don't cut through all the muscles. Also, everyone experiences pain differently, keep that in mind!! It was totally worth a few days of pain to live this new life!!! Best of luck, DeeAnn R
   — DeeAnn

March 31, 2006
you will feel like the happiest person on earth.
   — Steve Cohen

March 31, 2006
Physically or emotionally? Immediately post op there is pain but it will fade in a matter of days. The emotional rollercoaster can last a couple of years.
   — RebeccaP

April 1, 2006
I had my open RNY 3/20/06 and I will tell you this it is the worst pain I have ever felt there is no way to prepare yourself for it! The only thing I can say is pray that God gives you an easy time and strength to handle the pain I was very unhappy now I am 2 weeks out and lost 27+ lbs and I am very happy I did it but it is very hard just pray and have good support from others.

April 1, 2006
I had open RNY and am 5 days out. Yes there is pain but I did have access to a morphine drop, if needed. I found I used it when I wanted to get back into bed because that was where my biggest struggle was, face it, I just had major surgery. I stopped using the drip after 48 hours and am using no pain meds now. Last night, my 4th day out, I slept in my bed but will warn you that sleeping can be weird. I get a few hours then am up for awhile. It's more like cat-napping. Anyhow good luck, and expect some pain to start but remember it does where off as you start to heal.
   — HarfordMdGal

April 1, 2006
Stephanie, I had my RNY done w/Dr Floyd on October 17, and it's the best thing I've ever done. I was supposed to have it lap, however he told me up front if he couldn't get around some of my organs, he was going to do it open. I had the open because I weighed 412 lbs and my liver was to big to get around w/out damaging it. The staff at the hospital had me up the next morning and walking down the hall w/a walker. I'm not going to lie, I hurt really bad (of course I didn't push my pain button a lot), and I thought to myself "what the hell did I do?". I even went so far as to tell myself I was not, under any circumstances, going to have the skin removal surgery when the time came. I've been post op for 5 1/2 months now and I've lost a little over 100 lbs. I can see it in my face, even if I don't feel it because of all of the skin. I would do it again in a heartbeat. I can now go on walks w/my husband and children w/out having to stop to rest. I fit in a booth at Chili's (the tables are mounted to the wall, so they can't be moved) for the first time in 8 years. It's going to be scary the morning of, but in the long run, it's so worth it. Feel free to email me anytime if you have any other questions.
   — mytellica

April 2, 2006
I had lap rny 5 days ago and when they woke me up i felt horible but as soon as i was able to have my morphine drip i was in heaven, I have not had pain meds in 2 days and my pain has been bearable. I have been walking everyday some days twice a day but only for short periods of time. Hopefully the pain will all go away soon. Good luck
   — k24k.lady

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