Hi, Just got done reading wls memorials, and now i'm scared more then ever

to have wls, I should be getting a date soon, and am almost tempted to back out, I am 4ft 11 inches and weigh 247. I have asthma, back aches. ect. Any advice, or do I just follow my heart.    — Trish-B (posted on March 31, 2006)

March 31, 2006
Tricia, I did the same exact thing you did. I was so scared after I did that. I would just follow your heart, as I did. I had my surgery almost 8 months ago and have lost 121lbs. I have no regrets at all. Good Luck Malena 329/208/160
   — *Malena* M.

March 31, 2006
Tricia, I think it's really good that you read the memorials. I've done that too... but you have to realize, there are 309,390 members here at OH. It's best to get educated on all aspects, but you need to consider the ratio of complications to successes. All surgery has its risks, and in fact not having this surgery is a bigger risk for your health (due to obesity related illnesses and disease) than having the surgery. Just follow your heart, you need to do what is best for you. Come in the chat room sometime and meet some live success stories, it's really helped me to realize that having this surgery is going to be what's best for me. Best of luck to you.
   — kjoy

March 31, 2006
Hi. I too was scared. I wanted to back out that morning as I was waiting in the hospital. I know now this was the best thing I have ever done. I would do it over and over again if I had to. Only regret I have is not doing it sooner. Follow your heart. The way I looked at it was..either I have gastric bypass or I was headed for triple bypass. In my opinion, more and more people die every year due to obesity and I wasn't going to be one of them. Good luck in whatever you decide.
   — KellyL

March 31, 2006
I noticed some of the deaths had nothing to do with the surgery--cancer, auto accidents. I actually felt better after reading the memorials. Some died before they could get the surgery after getting the run around from their insurance companies. I told my husband if I died before my surgery to sue the insurance company. I have a new one now which is great.
   — geneswife

March 31, 2006
5 years ago I was CERTAIN my profile would end up there, but the weight had me so ill I felt I had no other option. GEEZ am I glad I had surgery, and as you can see still here:) You can learn things from that sad area. Most who die from surgery die from complications, and not on the table that many fixate on. The most likely cause of death is blood clots mostly preventable by getting up and walking beginning as soon as your out of recovery room, and contiuning wheen you get home. couch potatoes are at extreme risk. MO takes a average of 15 years off our life expectancy, and can make many of those years the pits. The chance of dying from MO is way more than the chance of dying from surgery which saves so many lives,
   — bob-haller

April 1, 2006
Dont be afraid, if you noticed not all of them are related to the surgery. Some are from car wrecks, cancer, and so on. Just remember if its your time to go it will not matter were you are at.
   — maria_sola

April 2, 2006
I too have read some WLS memorials and it IS scary! You just need to go with your gut instincts. Talk to your doctor about your concerns. But as you said, go with your heart. Their are risks involved with ANY surgery. Maybe it would help if you made a list of the negative things about the surgery or negative things that could happen and make a column on the other side of the paper and list the positives. Writing things down for me, really helps me. Also, it's very important to have a support system (i.e. family, friends). Talk to them about it too. But, it all comes down to you, and what your instincts are telling you. Good luck on your journey!!
   — Agrippina05

April 3, 2006
Let me tell you if you weren't scared in some way there would be something wrong with you. I wanted it done then I got to the operating room and was going to change my mind next thing I know a nurse was talking to me I told her I changed my mind she said it was to late god was I relieved it was over. It will be a year on the 7th of this month and I am down 103 lbs. 242 to 139 I feel great and it was the best decision of my life....Good luck and you will feel like a millon dollars after you become a weight loss junky...Cindy
   — NYCindy

April 20, 2006
Trish, EVERYONE is scared. If you weren't I would think you must be stupid. I was petrified when I had my surgery. I was 380. It has been 5 1/2 years and the BEST thing I have every done. My life has been changed because I pushed through the fear. You do what you think is right for YOU, but don't let fear stop you. :) Hope that helps.
   — kristaz

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