AM having lap band on March 6th, WHAT is restriction? Should I worry?

   — TrinTx (posted on February 15, 2006)

February 15, 2006
Lisa, please don't take this the wrong way, but if you are scheduled for LapBand in less than three weeks, you should not have to ask this. This is very basic information, something you should have learned in your first seminar, if not before. Please do your homework and be absolutely certain of what you are getting into. The LapBand can be a wonderful solution, but it is imperative that you understand it fully before having it done, to have the best chance of success. To answer your question, restriction is what differentiates the Band from other surgeries. It is not something to worry about; it is the whole point of LapBand. Best of luck to you.
   — Jeanie

February 15, 2006
You can go here and post questions:
   — Jeanie

February 15, 2006
Lisa, I agree with the other poster that this is an extremely basic question that speaks to the basics of how the band works. You need to know this in order to be able to work with your band effectively. Please go to the lapband forum on this site and do A LOT of reading. Also, go to and look at their information about the band. The short answer to your question is that restriction a term that is used to descirbe the stoma's ability to restrict the food you eat from falling through the band into the lower stomach. When you have good restriction it means that the band is at the correct level of tightness and you feel full on a smaller amount of food and stay full longer. Restriction is the GOAL, not something to be worried about. Please, get more information on this surgery, it's aftercare, the patient's responsibilties, and the terminology BEFORE you have yoru surgery. I love my band and this was the best decision I ever made for myself, but being educated about it and being emotionally and intellectually prepared for what it will bring was ESSENTIAL to being successful. Don't set yourself up to fail by not knowing what it is you are getting involved with. -Elizabeth
   — ege8905

February 16, 2006
Hey everyone slow down for a second. I have extensively looked into all types of surgery before choosing my route, and I misunderstood post that at first too, until I read it fully again. I was thinking restriction.. like no you can't do that, not restriction like squeezing. It wasn't a stupid question on her part, BECAUSE we ALL know there are no stupid questions. I am betting her mind is racing ahead of herself being this close to surgery!! Give her a little break....remember back before your surgeries, if you thought you might have missed something you got that panic feeling??? Well, maybe not, I guess everyones different. Just my humble .02 worth. SassyLu
   — SassyLu

February 16, 2006
BobbiLynn, you could be right (although all my instincts doubt it) but, considering what's at stake for Lisa, I stand by my answer. I'd far rather err on the side of caution. Lisa, you don't have an email option, so if you'd like, please email me and I'll be more than happy to answer any of your questions.
   — Jeanie

February 16, 2006
Jeanie, You could very well be right, but I was just hoping it is a flule. I absolutely agree with you on erring on the side of caution. It proves to be the best decision, always!! Thanks for understanding me. SassyLu
   — SassyLu

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