I have a consult date, but.......

the Dr.'s office manager I have my consult with believes that medicaid will not pay for the surgery, but medicaid has given me the referal to go to him. Just in case they will not cover the surgery does anyone have any suggestion about what I can do too persuade Medicaid that I really need this. I spoke to my case manager and she said that I have really got to show them that I need this, but I don't know how---HELP!!    — mischief85 (posted on December 14, 2002)

December 14, 2002
Stephine tell your doctor to put it though anyway. I was on Medicaid and they paid automatically. My surgeon said that I didn't even need a referrel from my pcp, Medicaid didn't require it. I see you live in Texas, call the Medicaid Board in your State, they can better answer you, better than your casework (they hardly know anything). Good Luck
   — Rebe W.

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