Help! 2 mos post-op & feeling miserable, WHY?

Today is 2 mos post-op for me and I have been having horrible mood swings, acne, and vomit at least once a day. I have been keeping down very little, yet the scale doesn't seem to move, (I've only lost 30 lbs so far, was expecting at least 40)I try to exercise, but I have no energy lately. Has anyone else felt like this? How do I ramp up the weight loss?    — bethp117 (posted on January 9, 2010)

January 9, 2010
I am about 6 wks out and per doc's instructions take B1 100mg daily, B12 sublingual 3x/week, and a multivitamin with iron daily, plus of course at least 60 grams of protein daily. If you're taking adequate supplements and still feel poorly, you need to talk to your doctor or nut. Feel better!
   — Janell C.

January 9, 2010
The mood swings and acne are coming from the hormones that were locked in the fat cells. It will pass. As far as vomitting, you may be eating too much, more than 2-3 ounces, eating too fast or just plain eatting the wrong things. You may also want to check into getting a B12 shot every three weeks. It helped me tremendously with the fatigue. I take two B12 sublinguals a day, potassium, zinc, magnesium, everyday. I also use the Bariatric vitamins found at
   — Kathy Thomas

January 9, 2010
stupid computers, anyway, Bariatric Advantage Vitamins online. It states to take two a day but I take three because my body needs it. I also take two caltrate calcium tabs per day. My blood work came back as great! I have all the energy I need. But I have to say, I can tell when the B12 shot starts to wear off. That is the key. It is worth a try.
   — Kathy Thomas

January 9, 2010
Hey there. I have just celebrated my fourth year out. And I really do feel pretty darn good. I do remember, just like you the vomiting-yuck! I couldn't eat but about 1/4 of a cup-and that I had to intake SLOWLY!!! It also helped to stay hydrated so I sipped all the time! As for the weight loss-be happy! If you loose really quick you will be left with more extra skin, and a bit slower is better. I am telling you this from experience. I lost my hair-right along with the weight and I have excess skin I didn't need if oly I had stayed on that healthy diet of max protien. I just didn't eat, and still can only tolerate about 1/4 of a cup at a time, so hang in there, you have lost 30 lbs!! Most "normal" people only loose 4-8 lbs a month, so be sooo happy! Yay you! The energy loss? Well duh baby, you just underwent serious surgery, your body needs time to recover and on top of that, you have probably lost around 5-10% of your body weight in just two months! Talk about shock! Feed your body good protein and tolerable foods, and walk outside, breath deep and RELAX!!! You are doing great! You will find out that we become just like everyone else, eat right and EXERCISE to loose weight. I actually jog-me, I jog, and I can jump and I can skip-woohooo....hang in there and walk that beautiful body around the block-exercise, protien (beans, cottage cheese and peanut butter were my faithful staples)hydration and the right frame of mind is all you need to see this journey through. Happy New Year! Here's to a brand new You!!
   — renaehayes

January 9, 2010
Well said Janell. I agree with what this gal is saying. However, I am almost 6 months out, and I have had a time with protein and throwing up. I had a stricture but I still throw up now at least twice a week and I am complainant with what the surgeon tells me to eat. I do exercise regularly.
   — FSUMom

January 10, 2010
I am 6 years post op.. I remember feeling that way though.. It gets better, I switched to a new vitamin a few months ago because I was anemic and feeling alot of those same ways. I am now taking a liquid vitamin, its awesome. If you want more information on what I am doing send me an email and I would to send it your way. Good Luck,
   — ckjjones

January 11, 2010
Beth I went through the same mood swings and low energy and slow weight loss you are talking about. At my 3 month post op I was down 36 pounds and I was SO disappointed - I was expecting 50 - 60!!! I did find that even only TWO months out, I was already well on my way to being iron deficient - I was so tired I could barely get out of bed in the morning. I started taking an iron supplemt (once the doctors agreed, and chewable Vitamin C with it) and the Nut said go back to chewable Multi and Calcium/D - they are better absorbed (in her opinion). That helped a little. I will be 4 months out end of this week - and I recently upped my protein and started dropping weight a little faster. December was a SLOW month (9 pounds) but I've dropped 5 so far this month. I was also told I may be losing a little slower because I lost 79 pounds preOp - IDK - I just want to keep plugging along! 59 pounds to get below 200 for the first time since th 80s!!! Have your bloodwork checked and make sure you're getting your protein and supplements in everyday! And remember not to take Calcium and Iron together. Good luck to you.
   — Diane324

January 12, 2010
Thank you all for your support and encouragement. It's great to have this forum to ask questions to those who have been there and speak from their own experience.
   — bethp117

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