This question is for all the banders... Did you ever slip and eat anything besides

all liquids on the 14 day pre-op liquid diet? This is my 5th full day and it was not a very good day. I feel so hungry out of the norm from all the other 4 days. According to my scale I lost 7 lbs so far. I could use your feedback Help!!!!!    — sjh921 (posted on August 23, 2009)

August 23, 2009
What are you eating? Try soft foods like yogurt, oatmeal, mashed potatoes, baby food (or make you own by putting veggies, fruit or meat in the food processor). For the first couple of weeks, milk, juice, jello, even pudding is OK since you are eating such a small amount. If you find yourself hungry still, make a real effort to slow down. Use a timer. Take a bite every 3-5 minutes. Chew very slowly (and thoroughly). It takes 20 minutes for your brain to register that you are full. Eat only when you are hungry. Since you should only be able to eat a small amount at one sitting, you may find that you are hungry more often at first. I did not have this problem, but everyone is different. Just eat when you're hungry, but don't drink water (or tea, coffee, pop, etc.) with your meals. That will wash everything through and you'll find yourself able to eat more than you should. What liquids are you drinking? If you want to stick to an all liquid diet, make sure you are adding protein mix/powder to your liquids. Try to get them from a Bariatric source, not just the grocery store (they will contain more protein, vitamins, and nutrients). Also, make sure you are taking your multiple vitamin and calcium supplement. This time will go by quickly and you'll be on "real" food in no time. Just remember to eat foods rich in nutrition. We only get a small amount to eat, so we need to make sure we are feeding ourselves the most nutritious meals possible. Congratulations on starting this new adventure. I wish you Good luck with your weight loss as your reach your health goals. P.S. I recommend joining a local support group. You'll get good information, answers to your questions, encouragement from others going through the same struggles or enjoying the same successes. Most groups have members who are just thinking about surgery through those like me who are 5 years post-op. KimM
   — KimM

August 24, 2009
I did when I was on the pre-op diet. I was on it for almost 4 weeks though. Did your NUT or DR give you any recipes or a list of what you can eat? My NUT gave me a recipe booklet that had a lot of really good protein shake & protein pudding recipes. If you are interested I can email you them (if ok by your NUT). Congratulations & best of luck to you! Kristy
   — Krisican2

August 26, 2009
The best advice I can give you is to keep yourself as busy as possible and OUT of the kitchen - it makes everything much easier. You do not seem to not know what to do - you are just having a hard time doing it... like all of us human beings... When I did my pre-op diet I made dozens of commitments and dates with all sorts of people to keep myself out of the house and away from the fridge.
   — zimra

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