Surgery was just scheduled- not until 4/27! !2 MONTHS!! I am scared about my weight

   — eem211 (posted on February 17, 2009)

February 17, 2009
belive me i fell like that too cause im having my first appointment on april 6 uhhhh i cant gait
   — luijess

February 17, 2009
Why are you scared about your weight??
   — Elizabeth J.

February 17, 2009
Are you scared that you might gain weight before surgery? My insurance required me to be on a 6 month doctor's supervised diet before surgery so I had to wait 6 months before they would approve. Luckily, I lost 34 pounds in that six months. Are you afraid that something will happen to you in that 2 month wait because of your weight? I think your doctors would not schedule you out if they thought you wouldn't make it until then. Just relax, watch what you're eating, exercise if you can and your surgery date will be here before you know it. Good luck to you and I'll be thinking of you on April 27 (3 days after my birthday!). Maureen, Akron, Ohio
   — Muggs

February 18, 2009
Hang in there, Honey! I have to do 6 months of weight monitoring with my doctor before I even get my surgery date, so I totally know where you are coming from (this last month, I gained 11 pounds!!!). Use this time to plan for your post surgery. Something I like to do to keep me motivated is browse online for the clothes I would like to wear when I lose the weight. You could even start planning a makeover! Oh and P.S. dont pig out like I did... it is not good to gain weight before your surgery. :) Leighanne All the best, Leighanne
   — leoglane

February 18, 2009
I was afraid I could not lose the weight the doctor told me to before the surgery. I had a 3 month wait for my RNY. I lost what I could and I did lose about 10 lbs before surgery. I'm glad I had the delay. It gave me time to drill into my head the diet rules for the first month, purchase and try protein powders (though your taste does change after surgery.) I also had time to really research and delve into my food issues. I think it paid off. Best of luck.
   — lorannw

February 18, 2009
I understand your fear, I had VSG surgery 6-23-08. I was afraid that I wouldn't make it through surgery. With a BMI of 70, I had reason to be concerned. I lost 36# before surgery. I had no problems from the surgery. I have lost 140# since June. I did have everyone I know praying for me during surgery, which I believe made all the difference. May God Bless You Abundantly
   — KathieV

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