High Blood Pressure (2 years out) ???

I have found recently that I have my high blood pressure back. I was taken off of it 6 months after surgery. Then about 6 months ago discovered I had it back. I eat healthy, dropped 85 of my 100 LBS (wanted) and play raquetball 4-5 times a week. My issue is I have moved out of the state I had surgery donein and NO bariatric Dr. Will touch me with a ten foot pole. I have tried 4 different meds and nothing is working. I don't know if anyone has a similar problem? (Not sure my Dr understands the mal absorption issue) What blood pressure med works for any of you? Just want to be able to make suggestions to him as to what we could try. My blood pressure is still sky high after 6 months of different meds. Thanks Kristie 285-202-180    — continuedmoon (posted on March 3, 2008)

March 3, 2008
This seems unusual for having lost the weight. I wonder if you should consider a cardiac specialist rather than bariatric's at this point. You know the typical drill for reducing blood pressure I'm sure... low salt....stress reducers....etc. But if it's not getting under control with meds.... they should be looking at something that could be causing this to happen. I went off meds instantly after surgery. I always had a bp of 140/90 or it's 115/70 and I was on diavan hct, when it was bad. It has a diuretic in it...which was great for me. But I didn't need it after surgery and still don't...but I'm only 4 months out. I surely hope it doesn't return. That's got to be disconcerting for sure. Do they take your reading immediately following your arrival at the clinic? Do they retake it after you've sat and relaxed awhile? Maybe you have some anxiety...with moving...and seeing new doctors...could cause some of that. I'd also consider getting a home monitor...I did that after I had pregnancy induced hyper-tension. It was nice to see how I was doing without going to the clinic all of the time. I hope you find some answers....and best wishes! Keep said than done I'm sure...) Hugs...Cheryl
   — Cheryl K.

March 3, 2008
Several years ago my blood pressure could not be controlled until my doctor used this combination: Nefedipine and Postassium Chloride in the morning and accupril and hydrochlorothyazide at night. With these four medications I am kept in check. However, I decided not to have bariatric surgery last week after a year of preparation. The reasons are complex, but I believe the bottom line is that I don't have that much to lose at this time. I wish you well, Kristie! Carmen
   — [Deactivated Member]

March 3, 2008
I am only 3 months post op but I am still on high blood pressure medication. My Dr. recently changed it due to my bp was running high, I now take lisinopril-hctz and right now it seems to be doing the job. My problem is now is that I may be a diabetic now and was not one before surgery. I guess we have to take the good and deal with the bad. Hopefully you can find a medication that works.

March 3, 2008
Not all bp problems are caused by obesity. There could be a heart defect or something in you circulatory system causing the problem. Genetic facts can cause high bp. I use Verapamil (generic for Calaan) and I recently had a pacemaker implanted due to low pulse rate. So I have both problems. I too was off of bp meds for 10 months, then on, then off again, and now back on with the pacemaker.
   — Dave Chambers

March 3, 2008
I took Altase per my Cardioligest, but he has taken me off of it because my blood pressure dropped so low. I still take Altinal for fast heart beat when working out. I would find a heart specilest. Only drughs to stay away from are time release like Nisspan. They just pass through you too fast. Keep up the good work, but look at your new inviriment, as changing job and strees there and at home can bring back the blood pressure issues.
   — William (Bill) wmil

March 3, 2008
Great news. Try I have a friend that had high blood pressure and started taking these fruits n' veggies in a capsule. Everything evened out. I could tell you other stories if you are interested. Dr. Titus Duncan in Georgia, bariatric surgeon, has all of his patients on these caps. Check it out!! Let me know!!
   — bariatricdivalatina

March 3, 2008

   — continuedmoon

March 3, 2008
First, Kristie, this is not an issue I have personally but as another person suggested you HBP may not be weight related. I'm sorry the meds you have tried have not resolved the problem and as you say the mal-absorption issues may be part of the problem. You might want to join: Lots of experienced long term post-ops there that might be able to share their experince. Great group of individuals and the only requirement to post is that you be 1 year post-op, but you can read if you are less than that. Secondly, I find it disturbing that people are allowed to promote their own website, on this forum, where they sell a product, in the context of the answer to a question another preson poses. Is this not some violation of Obesity Help policy? I have seen this individual do it several times and find it bothersome. We are here to offer support and suggestions, possibly this individual could just speak from personal experince, i.e.; this 'product' worked for me. Just a suggestion. Blessings,
   — ALF

March 3, 2008
When I was overweight my blood pressure was borderline high (280) I lost 140lbs and 2 1/2 yrs later was diagnosed with high blood pressure and put on medication, the pills have helped and i now have a normal reading I was told that I have true hypertension because I did not get it until after I lost weight, 3 years later I'm still at 143.
   — Lil' Booty

March 4, 2008
Hi Kristie, thanks for writing. Please tell your doctor that you need him/her educated on wls. They are caring for you and need to know the benefits and risks. You are paying them for this service and you need special care in that area. Also, contact your prior surgeon and see if they will recommend a surgeon in your area and the problems you are having finding one. That is an outrage to me that when you move another surgeon will not care for you. It is bad enough that they do that with people who go out of country for surgery, but when you move in us, there is no reason to continue care. You might want to contact your insurance company or the medical board in your area and complain about this and see if you can get care. Take care, Patricia P.
   — Patricia P

March 4, 2008
Kristie, One of the people you might try talking to is a pharmacist, hopefully one who knows about WLS. There are many combinations out there and you need to find the one specifically for you. All docs have their own favored drug or combination. Your pharmacist can work with your doctor to find the one(s) that will work for you. Julie
   — JulieJD

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