Dining Out

Are there any restuarts that give wls patients discounts, or is there some card or something you print out or get from doctor, I would like to go out and eat sometimes but don't want to pay full price, knowing I'm going to have a few mouth fulls.    — mommamai (posted on April 29, 2007)

April 29, 2007
Eugenia, Order the kids meal. Our surgeons' office have a card they give ther patients. You could ask your doctor if they give the cards to the patients.
   — the7thdean

April 29, 2007
Its easiest to share. Although there are the WLS cards and kids or senior meals. I am near 6 years out and still like sharing provided 2 people like the same meal. Or I bring home the leftovers. Sharing is excellent for the first few months since we eat so little.
   — bob-haller

April 29, 2007
Pay full price and you have leftovers that can be taken home, split up and frozen and heated up another day... That way you will get your money's worth...
   — Kari_K

April 29, 2007
I remember when I first had the rny surgery and it was 2 months before I was brave enough to go into a restaurant. I got some soup and crackers. It is not the restaurant's responsibility to change their policy because of your surgery, card or no card. It just brings a lot of un-needed and unwanted negative attention on you. You can explain you would like the senior meal or children's portion because you just had surgery and cannot eat a full meal if you must...or order the full portion and take home the rest (for 6 more meals lol). Over the years (5 years post op this week), looking back, I feel silly now that I asked for special prices on special meals in diners, family restaurants and fancy places, once even asking a buffet style restaurant if I could have half price because I was only eating a half cup of food...don't get resentful if they dont oblige you wanting to change their policies or menu for your personal situation. You have to learn to live in the real world now that you are post op...not the other way around. I wish you the best on your journey. The more you make a deal over your eating in public, the more of an outcast you will feel. Get used to being in the normal world and stop making yourself a special case. I remember ordering a hamburger and taking one bite out of it and taking the rest home, where I chopped it up for soup, and one nice place where I had one onion ring appetizer and was so full I had to to cancel my main course. My date ate alone, while I sat across from him wretching with dumping syndrome. It is rough your first year, but after time, you will find you can eat more and blend in better. I wish you the best on your journey. You'll be fine. :0) Kathy in Massachusetts. :0)
   — Kathy A C.

April 29, 2007
Eugina. I do take left overs home.... But i also substitue veggies for the carbs. & most places are ok with it.... When it comes to buffets. I do ask for kids price because i dont eat an average meals & i have never been told no.....I just explain that i am 9 months post op Gastric Bypass & my food intake is about 1/2 to 1 cup of food per meal....I also like to share because i can have a variety of foods.. So i may order a cup of soup & share all the other meals... best of luck.....
   — babs810

April 29, 2007
I'm glad you brought this up. My doctor told me that he will give me a card stating that I had wls and please allow me to order kids meal. So far I have not had a problem ordering a kids meal. The only time I was about to have a problem was at Outback. I wanted to order a chicken breast from the kids meal. The waitress said I was not allow because I was not under 12. I explain to her I had wls and she end up giving it to me.
   — barfiep01

April 30, 2007
I just started eating out and I am 10 wks post op. I have only been to a few places and have only had 1 problem and that was at IHOP. I was told by another wls patient to ask for the manager once seated that way they can make sure that your food is made right. My taste buds have really changed after surgery and my stomach doesn't tolerate to many different foods now. I can't force everyone to go to one place all the time or not go out at all. I have found that once I give the manager my card and let them know that there are only certain things that my stomach can tolerate they are very helpful and in helping me choose something from the menu that will work for me and will alter alot of there menu to make sure I can eat. I have hacked up some of there recipes really well. I have always just ordered my own dish so that no one else has to be forced or encouraged to have to get a dish they really don't want just to suit me. Good Luck.
   — hugger1021

April 30, 2007
All good ideas. I order a regular meal, set aside what I know I won't/can't eat and take it home. I get 3 meals out of just one order, sometimes I have some for lunch the next day, or sometimes my hungry teenagers devour it when I get home. Either way, it's still a bargain! I NEVER do buffets anymore, though. Now THAT's a waste of money!
   — Debra R.

April 30, 2007
Actually I just call ahead and ask wwhereverwe are goinging, and they always say they give a discount or I can order appetizers or Seniors or there are cards on this site (store) that can send you however many you need. Very reasonable price too! Just fill in the blanks to your information.
   — mtackett

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