I am 6 months post-op, for 5 days now, everything I eat comes right back up

I think I may have some sort of blockage, is this possible? I have put myself back on pureed foods, any suggestions? My doctor told me the other day that my thiamin level is "dangerously low" but I can't even keep down the vitamins. I don't know how much more of this I can take.    — TraciB06 (posted on February 9, 2006)

February 9, 2006
Yes it is possiable.... Call/go ASP to your doctor ... Flo
   — Flo

February 9, 2006
You sound as if you have a stricture. Get ahold of your surgeon ASAP. Shelly
   — scharlier

February 9, 2006
I had this same issue. Call your Doc, ASAP. Mine had me in to see the gastroenterologist on the same day and the next day they put a scope down my throat and opened my stricture back up. Up to that point, I couldnt even keep down water!! Good luck!
   — MissKimberly

February 9, 2006
I would definitely call your doctor. I had a similar problem. I am 3 1/2 months post op. I called and the doctors nurse told me to drink hot tea/hot water, as hot as I could stand it. This worked and everything went down fine after that. She said I probably irritated my esophagus or new pouch. I would call the doctor, but give the hot water a try too. Good Luck!
   — MaryA

February 10, 2006
Sounds like you have 2 different situations going on, but I guess there is a chance your low thiamin level could be causing the need to throw it back up. I haven't experience that as a side effect, but I have battled my thiamin levels quite a bit and found out if you go long enough it can cause permanent nerve damage and beri beri. So make sure you get that in. I have best success getting my multi vitamin by liquid form or by Centrum chewables. Good luck!
   — Dinka Doo

February 12, 2006
Call/Go to your Doctor ASAP. It could be a number of things, a blockage is a definite possibility. Are you still able to get liquids down? If so, make sure you are doing water and protein so you don't dehydrate. Good luck, Ann
   — amutterer

February 12, 2006
It is wise to get it checked out. Visist your gastroenterologist and find out. If not, it might be something else. I had trouble eating for the first year or so. I found that I had to wait at least an hour after eating to drink anything, and an hour after drinking to eat anything. I could not eat nearly as much as I was supposed to. If I was not careful, I threw up. I also found that I could not eat certain foods without throwing up. I still have trouble with chicken and eggs.
   — Novashannon

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