I hope this does not sound like a trivial question, but I have never been

hospitalized before. What kinds of things should I pack for my hospital stay? I am anticipating three days. Also, how should I plan to alter my diet in the weeks preceding surgery? Thank you!    — Kathy93 (posted on January 29, 2006)

January 29, 2006
Probably not much=make sure you take some chapstick, perhaps some pjs-make sure you bring pretty baggy clothes to come home in-cause you'll gain weight in the hospital-from the gasses. Also-as far as your diet goes-it depends upon your Dr. I had no restrictions except "nothing to eat or drink after midnight" the night before.
   — janh

January 29, 2006
Kathy, I took slippers, a robe ,some chapstick and a baggy set of clothes to wear home I also took mags and stuff but didn't even think of them while I was recouping. Just wanted to sleep at first and then walk, the little booties they give you are ok but I like slippers.Didn't use the robe much either but it was there when / if I needed it. God bless you in your journey. I know he did me. :^) Pam
   — sunnie

January 29, 2006
I agree with what the others have said but I did bring my own pillow (which I forgot when I went home and it was a new one too, lol). The one thing I was very glad I brought was two extra sets of clothes just in case and of course I needed that extra set due to loose stools. Oh well such is life, lol. For me this has been the best thing I have ever done for myself and you will feel the same. Good luck and God Bless. Laural: HW-313, SW-292, PW-208, GW-135
   — Laural D.

January 29, 2006
Oh and I forgot I took a smaller pillow to hold against my tummy for when I coughed. Pam
   — sunnie

January 29, 2006
You might want to bring your own toothbrush too...once you start feeling better you'll want to clean up a bit. They give you one...but I used it once and I looked like a was a cheap one and the bristles all stuck in between my teeth. I got a good laugh...but next time I'll bring my own. Another thing to a brush and a hair band if you have longer hair.
   — mmcphee1

January 29, 2006
Your diet, follow your dr's. instructions and you will not have a problem. What to pack, not much. The clothes I went to the hospital are the ones I went home in. Keep them very lose fitting and easy to slip on and off. You will be sore, so nothing tight around the belly. Take a good book to occupy some of your down time. Keep a journal of your stay, I find mine encourages me when I am down and it is interesting to see where I have come from. Take your measurements in inches with a tape measure, because when you don't see the scale numbers come down, you can see the inches change and this will help your mood later.
   — marlyngardner

January 29, 2006
I'm packing a portable CD/radio walkman with my favorite CD. My favorite bodywash for cleaning up with lotion for dry skin, chapstick in my favorite flavor, brush, comb, toothbrush. Books. I brought also gas-x chewables for myself from previous experience with abdominal surgury. I got the sugar free ones. Personally for myself I'm going with liquid diet before surgury, but the doctor only order liquid diet day before it's just my chose to be clean for the surgury.
   — Deborah Joyner

January 29, 2006
I never opened my bag while there! I used the hospital toiletries and wore hospital gowns.......a change or two daily. I had a drain that leaked so I never put my own pj's on and glad I didn't. I did read my book a bit, but mostly slept and watched tv when not walking. I never even put underwear on until it was time to go home....the waistband would have interfered with the drain and the incisions. I wore the same clothes home that I wore to the hospital, too. The first 24 hours I had nothing by mouth, only used glycerine swabs provided by the hospital to refresh my mouth. Good luck!
   — LauraA

January 29, 2006
You will need your own pajamas only if you are leary of wearing hospital cloths. You will have an IV in your arm which could make it difficult to put on your own cloths. You will definately need a robe and a good pair of slippers because they will have you up and walking after surgery. The more you walk the less pain you have. I don't know why but it works. You will need personal items like deodarant and tooth brush, hairbrush, and tooth paste. Bring lotion because the hospitals are always dry and your skin doesn't handle the dry very good. I took shorts with me and underwear but you don't have to if you don't want to. However the hospital gowns were invented by Dr. See More Ass and can be very revealling. The most important thing to bring with you is your support buddy. You can't pack him or her in your bag but believe me you need him more than all the things you have packed.
   — vickicarson

January 30, 2006
Get the Oral B brush ups, They were a God send......You don't have to use water to brush your teeth. Well It's not totally like brushing your teeth but it does take the nasty taste out of your mouth.
   — seanna

January 30, 2006
YOur doctor should advise you as to pre-surgical diet, since all doctors seem to have different ideas aobout that. Take something to do in the hospital (Like books, magazines, crossword puzzles - whatever you enjoy) because hospitals are BORING!!! You might also feel more comfortable with your own pajamas, robe, and slippers. If you have a CPAP, take that, because yours is better than the hospital's, probably. Take a toothbrush and comb and any other toiletry items you can't do without.
   — Novashannon

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