Is it possible that 2 weeks are not enough to shrink the liver?

I follow my pre-op diet rigorously but I am afraid that when my surgeon will open, he'll cancel my surgery because my liver hasn't shrunk enough in 2 weeks. Usually at my bmi 50 they give 4 weeks , but my dr ordered 2 weeks. I am afraid this was a mistake and that my surgery will be cancelled. Because I was tell with an ultrasound that i have a big fatty surgeon has never saw my liver, so how can he tell if it has shrunk ?    — salem4444 (posted on January 21, 2010)

January 21, 2010
They only need your liver to shrink so they can get to your intestines and stomach. The liver is actually in front or in the way, so to speak. So they want the liver to be as small as possible and 2 weeks usually does it. If he can't get to the stomach to make the pouch he will probably do an "Open" RNY or what ever surgery you are having. So, the reason is to get to the intestines for easier access and they will put blow up your abdomen with gas to also help with the expansion of your insides. HOpe this helps.
   — Kristy

January 21, 2010
I just started my 2 week pre op diet this morning. I was told yesterday by my surgeon that 2 weeks is almost always enough to lose 5% of my body weight which means 20lbs. In his experience this amount of weight is sufficient to reduce the liver size. But, its a guessing game basically. If I haven't lost that exact amount of weight and am within a couple of pounds, its still ok to move forward. If I'm no where near that amount, the surgery will be postponed for another week. If you're following your diet closely, you shoud be fine. Relax, you didn't get this way overnight, if you have to wait another week to be it.
   — kchooker

January 21, 2010
I was only on my liquid diet for 4 days and that seemed to sufice. I had a BMI of 48. Don't worry about it!! It'll be okay.
   — Melissa D.

January 21, 2010
Two weeks makes it shrink small and thus it's lighter to do the surgery laproscopically otherwise if it's heavy they might need to open your body cavity. And thus a longer recovery time. My BMI for my RNY was 80 and for the Banding 68.
   — Michael Eak

January 22, 2010
I had a high BMI of 51 and wasn't required to do a 2week liquid diet. I only had to do clear liquid one day before surgery and do not gain any weight. I thought the shrinking of the liver had more to do with whether you were opened or lap. Good luck and don't worry unless you have an unexperienced surgeon.
   — Papoose79

January 22, 2010
I had this same fear, but my surgeon told me that if I followed the 2 week diet, and the one day before surgery with just clear liquids ( I mainly just did water on that day) that it would be great, and he was right, they said my liver was tiny on the day of surgery, and I also had a huge liver before the pre-op diet. It's amazing how it shrinks so fast, that's the first place your body goes to use up the fat and sugars when you aren't feeding them into your body anymore :)
   — eyeflirt4fun

January 23, 2010
I have a b mi of 40.2 and I am scheduled to have a Vidioscopic RNY on Feb 11th 2010 My doctor asked me to becareful not to gain weight and to only do the pre-op liquid diet for 3 days . I guess it all depends on how we carry our weight as well as how active we are in our lives. I am on my feet 14-16 hours in a physical job so that might be why in my case. He also said that he usually recomends that postop his patients walk for 30 minutes a day 5 X a week or so but due to my job requirements he said that I don't need to do this. However personally I will be doing it on my weekends off. Just to boost the weight loss on my own. Every bit helps RIGHT.
   — OntarioSilk

January 23, 2010
I did 2 weeks of liquids and they went in for surgery and my liver was too big. they closed up and sent me home and i did liquids for another 2 months and everything went great. the extra time really taught me better how to eat properly. Just follow your drs directions and you'll be fine. worrying extra isn't gonna help at all. You'll do fine hun. best of luck on your journey.
   — Julzizhr

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