Help! Im eating the wrong foods and cant seem to stop!

Hello, I had the RNY October 23, 2009. I have since lost 98lbs. I have anither 56lb to lose before I reach my goal weight. I seem to be eating the wrongs foods, snacking and over eating!! I know this is horrible and I am ruining all that I have done but I cant seem to stop!!! I honestly believe that I have a food addiction and I cant seem to control myself. Im asking for any help/advice to stop this. I want to lose my last 50lbs more than anything, I just cant seem to get my head to cooperate with the rest of me... Even when I try to stop eating after a few bites my head tells me that Im not full and I talk myself into eating more. This is terrible and makes me want to cry. Im asking for help (not to get yelled at)... How do I turn my life around and make it perminant??    — LauraMarie (posted on May 26, 2009)

May 26, 2009
I'm sorry that you're having such a time of it. It does sound like you definitely have a food addiction and head several of the rest of us do. I would call my psychologist at my weight loss center's office. This would be the same person who did your psych evaluation before your surgery. They are there to assist you in such matters after surgery, too. You most likely need some counseling and some support that it is impossible for you to acquire via the internet. However, we are all here for you and certainly can empathize with your situation. It sure is a struggle. But hang in can do it! And remember..."NOTHING tastes as good as being skinny feels."
   — PaulaJ

May 26, 2009
Maybe you could give yourself a writing goal to do before you take a bite of something you know you should not. Try journaling what you are about to eat and why. Promise yourself you won't eat it till you write something first. Maybe that will deter you. I tried it and sometimes I really was hungry and that was the food available, other times there was no good reason and I didn't eat it. While it did not stop me completely, it did help. Just a thought. Good luck.
   — DEBI P.

May 26, 2009
i know this might sound a little bit weird-- but if there is an overeaters anonymous group in your area you might think about going? they are very welcoming and then you could be helped to explore the reasons why you want to eat and hear stories of people who have the same issues as we do. best of luck to you. i know you can do it!
   — greenpunchbuggie

May 26, 2009
I'm still early in the process and am losing weight well at this point but I know it would be very easy for me to have the same struggle that you are having? I have read a book on cognitive therapy approach to eating control by Dr. Judith Beck called "How to think like a thin person, the Beck diet solution" It is not a specific diet but a guide on controlling our eating behaviors with specific "positive responses" to our "sabotaging thoughts". As I read the book I noted that I had experienced probably 80% of the examples of sabotaging thoughts in the past that led me to eating when I wasn't hungery or being unable to stop eating. I haven't had to put these into practice yet but I really feel that this book acknowledges the out of control feeling I had in the past that led me to an all or nothing approach to my diet. How I wish rny was a magic bullet that will keep me from struggling later but I know it is not so I am trying to arm myself now with techniques such as found in the Beck diet solution book to face the struggle to come. Your post comes straight from my fears of what can happen to me so I hope that you can find help in the answers posted here. Kevin
   — hapkidodoc

May 26, 2009
Hi ! The only thing I can add to the other posters comments is to maybe...if you realize that you are eating something bad, spit it out. Remember that you are eating to live these days and not living to eat. Think back to the weight you were at just before surgery. Do you want that again? Don't you feel good now, having lost almost 100 pounds is a huge accomplishment, be proud of yourself and keep on going. Think of how well you will feel (and look) once the rest is gone. Thats should motivate you. I pray it does! Pray....I don't know your personal beliefs, but prayer always helps me when I need it, and when I don't. Hugs and congrats and hang in there. Kim It gets better...Oh one more thing..maybe get the bad foods out of the house. Its very tempting when they are sitting there begging to be eaten.
   — gpcmist

May 27, 2009
This is the biggest challenge of keeping the weight off. When I lost a lot of weight I felt strange and this lead to poor eating. When you feel bad about what you are doing you will eat even worse. So tell yourself thisis a new day. Plan what and when you will eat. Then work to stick to it. Then start over the next day. No holding your self back for what you have already done. You can not change the past. Treat your self in a positive way. You will need to clear your system of carbs. They cause extreme cravings. For one week eat only protiens and veg. you can have all you want but only protien and veg. Then slowly add a few fruits. This should put you back in control. You may feel really bad for a few days as the cravings get worse before they go away.
   — trible

May 27, 2009
Ok one more thought. When you are eating aosmething and then realize you should not, THROW it away. I have to throw away food to keep from eating after I am full. It is hard to throw away food but you are worth it.
   — trible

May 27, 2009
I am still pre-op but know I have a food addiction. I attend Overeaters Anonymous and it has been very helpful. I am trying to re-train myself now and it is still extremely difficult. One thing I am trying is when I'm full, I have to destroy the rest of the food, throwing it away is not effective enough for me, I've been known to get stuff back out of the trash as awful as that sounds, so I have to make the food totally inedible by pouring water or dish soap on it. Hope this helps!
   — Clumsybarbie

May 27, 2009
Hello, I am having the same problem I found chewing gum works. Also writing down everything you put in your mouth highlighting the bad things. Also if you fill the need to eat something sweet go for a walk. And by all meens talk to your nutretionist maybe your are missing something in you diet.I had my surgery April 28th 2008 Dawn keep up the good work.
   — DMkoeller

May 31, 2009
HI Laura, One idea I am trying is I just joined weight watchers so I would write things down and know I am going to get weighed every week. I need that weigh in. If I don't write things and get on the scale I would jsut eat crazy. If I get hungry before bed (which I do alot) I go to bed earlier so I don't eat. GOOD LUCK hope this idea might help. Donna
   — DonaJ

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