My Fear is.......

My fear is the fact that if I for some odd reason regret doing this surgery, I cannot reverse it. My BMI is too high for lapband. I suppose the only reason I would regret it is if I had complications. Its just so permanent. Please someone help me feel better. I start my journey on 3/10 I go to my first appt. where I pay the fee, and start all the paperwork. It's becoming reality that I am going thru with this.    — buggyboot (posted on March 5, 2009)

March 5, 2009
Michelle, I had complications, I had a twisted bowel for 3-4 days after surgery and almost had to have a second surgery to repair it, plus I had a stricture that they had to do a scope and down my throat 2 times (a week apart) but even with that I would do it over again in a second. I am 6 months out from surgery, I have lost 120 pounds...That is a whole person!!. I wished I had done it sooner. I feel SO much better. I can play with my kids. I am not exhausted all the time.I also have to say the compliments are awesome. I can cross my legs (never could before) I can sit in a seat at the theater without squeezing in. But the best thing so far is when my 9 year old hugged me and said "I can reach all the way around you" Do it for your own reasons, but please don't let the fear or "what if" stop you. It is a good thing that it is permanent like you said, because all of the temporary ways of losing weight are just that...temporary. You are in my thoughts. Tracy
   — tracybutterfield

March 5, 2009
I can understand fear, but not from the surgery but from what got you to the point of needing the surgery. If your BMI is too high for lap band, then your health must be in jeopardy. I hope you look at this surgery as the best thing that every happened to you and you are committing to a new and healthy life. I have many friends who have had gastric by-pass surgery and any blip in their weight loss journey was not serious enough for any of them to have not had the surgery. I have had lap band and at times I wish that I had gastric by-pass. I am doing the very best with my choice and encourage anyone with a weight issue, to reach out for help. You have made a wonderful choice and I pray that this surgery will be just the beginning of a healthy life. Susan
   — susangielda06

March 5, 2009
Michelle, The things you hear are the bad things. But ,believe me there are thousands getting this surgery now without the complications. The RYN Gastric Bypass is reversable (if need be)I can't belive I lost over 50 lbs in my fist month. I'm fotunate to live just out of Little Rock, Ar. where Dr.John Baker does his surgeries. He's done over 4000 and I understand that there were 4 deaths in a 16 year period. I would have gone to either Florida or Los Vegas to get the Mini gastic bypass, if I hadn't found Dr.Baker. I looked up Mini Gastric Bypass on the computer and looked at Dr.Rutledge's patients on there.This really helped me make up my mind.Check it out.God Bless what ever you decide.2Lazy2Mike
   — 2lazy2Mike

March 5, 2009
You are correct, it is life changing. But its a good change if you want to correct health issues. I would recommend going to support group meetings in your area..go to lots and ask questions. Go to several different ones and find one you like, feel comfortable asking questions at and get answers from a varied group of RNYers. Your doctors office is great at the technical stuff, but most offices don't have a person who went thru it. The support group is where you will get the answers you need to quell any fears. Learn all you can. Be informed. And take this time -pre surgery- to really wrap your head around the idea of change. Not everyone has complications, but nothing is guaranteed,so really educate yourself on the surgery, what can happen and what will happen. I am 8 months out and have dropped 107 pounds and LOVE the new me. Best of luck to you! Hugs, kim
   — gpcmist

March 5, 2009
There is good and bad to everything. It's hard to make a decision when in our mind it's an elective surgery. If that's your thought perhaps you should look at it as a preventative measure just like we get pap smears and flu shots. If you start reading, many people do not regret the surgery. You didn't mention which surgery you are having but you said it cannot be reversed. I had the VSG which is not reversible either. If you are going to do this, you have to start thinking positive that this is going to work for you because you are going to use this tool to get healthier. Feel free to email me. Hugs. Corina
   — Corina C

March 5, 2009
Hi Michelle...I understand your fear completely !! BUT...what about the fear of what could happen IF you don't do the surgery ?? I had "open" rny on Nov. 4th...I was a type II diabetic taking 3 pills a day, also Lipitor for high cholesterol and Lisinopril for high BP...I am now off ALL meds, have lost 53 lbs and feel great !! I still check my blood sugars a couple of times a week, just because. And I'm usually 112 - 120...which is a lot different from 176 - 201... I want to wish you all the very best with your decision and just know...there's a lot of us out here...and you're gonna do great !! Take Care ~
   — debz_58

March 6, 2009
Hi, I understand your fears, I was really nervous too. But I am 11 weeks out and have lost 60 pounds and I would do it again in a heart beat. It is an adjustment, but you didn't get to this point eating a healthy diet, it is a lifestyle change and it is a little bit of work. You will do great and you will be amazed how good you feel just a few weeks after surgery! I was on 9 medications for diabetes alone and I am now on none. I feel better than I have felt in years. Good luck, you will do great!
   — brindledanes

March 6, 2009
I had the VSG and it is not reversible since they removed 75-80% of my stomach. I say good riddance! All that extra tummy ever did was allow me to stuff myself into a morbidly obese blob! My only regret? That I didn't do this years ago! My surgeon has said that no one ever asks for their tummy back! I know it's scary. You wouldn't be normal if you weren't apprehensive. But knowledge is the best way to prepare yourself. Read! Read! And read some more! Go to support group! Much good luck to you.
   — GlitterGal

March 6, 2009
Hi Michelle... I am 5 days post-op Lap RNY, and interestingly, I was NEVER nervous about it. I have so real nasty back problems that make it hard for me to walk or do any kind of exercise, and have been told many times that losing weight would be of great help in reducing the pain. Plus, I was developing high cholesteral, high triglycerides, was becoming pre-diabetic, and other things. My surgery went wonderfully, when the surgeon stopped by my room that evening, he said I was the star of his day, because I'd been so prepared. During the two days I was in the hospital (I came home on Wednesday) all was well. And each day, my surgeon came by to see me. One day, he started out with this sentence...."Now, when the day comes that you regret doing this..." and I said "that day will never come, you have given me a second chance at life"... he argued that yes, the day would come that I would regret having it done.... but the regret would only be momentary, because all I would have to do is look at all the changes that have already happened, and will be happening to me along the way. As it is, I was taking blood pressure medication, high cholesteral medication, prescription Prevacid, and other stuff.... and he discontinued all of them before I ever left the hospital. Now that I'm home and away from that lovely, self-applied morphine pump, I'm wishing I had it back because the stitches are sore and hurt when I'm doing my required walking (along with the back pain)... and I've had some embarassing incidents related to toileting.... but I would still have it done again in a heartbeat. Like I said... I've got a second chance at life! Blessings on your journey, and I know you'll make the right decision for yourself.
   — Erica Alikchihoo

March 6, 2009
No Brainer.. DO you like being Fat?? I had RNY 5 years ago, I have maintained since. I sure don't miss the extra 130 lbs.
   — Kimberly Ten Kate

March 6, 2009
Best thing I ever did for my self and for my family I should have done it 18 months ealier. I was stuburn and didn't want to lose the amount of food that I like to eat. I feel great 4 months post op and lost 100 so far and like the prossess of loseing I get the full feeling when I eat just a little to much. And It feels good to be full and satified. Do It You will love the feeling it is great to chase the wife around again. Scott
   — Scott Ambrose

March 7, 2009
It is scary...SO scary. RNy can be reversed though in extreme cases. Unlike DS, all our pieces parts are still there. I read of ONE person that had it reversed because for whatever reason her body was too ill to handle it...I don't know the exact reason, only that it can be done...Even my own surgeon has on his DOC page (here on OH) says that RNY is reversible...So maybe that alone will give you a little peace. Just like all things in life...People love to focus on the bad things and our fears...Tragedy is more exciting than the good news...Just watch the evening news...You won't be hearing how an 11 year old boy helped a old lady cross the street, or how many people did something selfless for the day...or how many kids got gold stars in their class today...Nope but you will hear about any tragic deaths, rapes, robberies...They won't report how many people actually made it home in traffic...Just about the ones who didn't...SAme with WLS...The horror stories stick in your mind...but they are far and few between...Yes, there are some common minor complications occassionally but most are fixed with no major problems then or afterwards! I had malnutrition and anemia at year 4...It was scary for about 6 months! But with my own research and being my own health care advocate I was determined to get myself out of that trouble! And I did it myself! Doc was amazed......Come to find out I had NO vit labs done the entire 6 years pre op or post op!I had ignored my symptoms and didn't have a clue what labs I was being tested for...Don't do that! LOL So I got a list of all the vits and lab codes and things that can help determine problems that happen to RNYers and I handed it to my doc and told her I wanted them all run...and she did...and that's WHEN I found out how low my vitamin levels were...I mean the CBC's showed I was anemic with low HGB, HCT, MCV, MCH, MCHC's...Plus high RDW and PLT counts! So there was no doubt I was anemic and had some blood issues...but when she finally ran the vitamins...and I learned how certain vits rob your body, all I had to do was get everything back in balance...BUT if I had NOT had all the vits tested...I wouldn't have KNOWN how to help myself and would be doing things by the book for a regular anatomy and probably have had blood transfusions and iron infusions as well! Plain and simply...Knowledge kills fear...It gives you power to help you save yourself all kinds of problems! You'll be FINE! I have NO doubt!
   — .Anita R.

March 7, 2009
Michelle, I am having Lap RNY in a matter of days. My fear is what will my life be like in 5 years IF is don't go through with this surgery. No one has weight loss surgery because they eat too much fish and veggies. I was killing myself with food, now I have the opportunity to LIVE instead of exist. Maggie
   — maggiesmiles

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