Ihave heard that post-op hair loss is usually a temporary stuation, is this true?

I have a very long, thick crop, and this is one of my biggest concerns.    — jlw0423 (posted on January 3, 2007)

January 3, 2007
Its true. I am 4 mos post op and mine is falling out by the hand fulls, each day now for 2 weeks! My hair is now so thin. I am told it is typical and expected with WLS. I took every precaution, biotin, protien, special shampoo, to no avail. Perhaps since your hair is so thick it might not be so noticable. I have seen some folks post that they did not experience hair loss. I expect they are a minority. It will come back tho, so they say. good luck on your new journey! I am now down 70 lbs. the hair loss seems like a minor thing in the grand scheme of things!! Deb
   — dessary316

January 3, 2007
An OH member that went through all this posted this and I am going to buy it. maybe you should look into it. Andrew Lessman Healthy Hair Skin & Nails plus CoQ10 - Item: 202-541 just go to Good luck with everything. Cira
   — Cira S.

January 3, 2007
I am with you, I am only 3 weeks post op and so far no hair loss, but I have a thin head of hair, and if I lose any, I will have to resort to wigs or something that I won't want to do. I am keeping my hair short right now until I see what happens. Bald is beautiful but not on women! At least not me!
   — Diane C.

January 3, 2007
It is very true but it is minimal and always grows back. Starts at about 3-4 months post-op and lasts about 3 months. Some lose more than others, I think that has to do with what you take to help combat it.
   — Patty.W

January 3, 2007
Start taking Biotin (at least 1000mg) and Zinc (only 50mg or it could burn your inner stomach/pouch) to help absorb the Biotin. Taking them now before surgery will strenghthen your roots now. As others can start now too. I'm an OH Leader and this has been the recommendation since I started my research 5 years ago. I'm 7 months post-op and haven't lost any hair.
   — Michael Eak

January 3, 2007
I am 4 months out and started losing hair about a week after surgery and then it stopped but just in the last week or two it is falling out hand over fist. I had really thick hair to start with so that helps. Actually, now that I am losing my hair it is more manageable. I have lost 106lbs so hair lose is a minor problem to go with the weight loss success.
   — Lost4Ever

January 3, 2007
Jodi-- I had the same concerns and I addressed them with my hairstylist. She was not concerned even after I had lost some hair. In fact her comment was-- When I get worried, you can get worried. FYI--She never got worried. BTW--My surgery was April 8, 2003. Good Luck- Mindy
   — MindyM152

January 4, 2007
i'd have to agree with the previous posters, especially mindy. be sure to follow md & nutritionist dietary recs for protein, vitamin & mineral supplementation. i added biotin as suggested on these boards. my hair started shedding about 6-8 weeks out, i'm now 4 months out and have noticeable loss around hairline. as mentioned, in the grand scheme of weight loss, i'd go bald to get the weight off! my hair stylist keeps an eye on the situation and she's not worried. she has several clients that have undergone wls and i figure it'll grow back as my body adjusts and if need be i'll have a new short style to go with the new me. good luck with everything.
   — Fluffy W.

January 4, 2007
Well, I 19 months out and I am still losing hair, and I think if you do not get your protein in, it will always be a problem...although I keep losing no matter if I have my protein where it should be or not. I think it is just each individual is different. :)
   — Angelfirewithwings

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