I want to feel like myself again!

I am 3 weeks post-op and I just don't feel like myself. I am always tired and lazy, and I take all my vitamans. I never want to do anything and every time I eat something I feel like I am running to the bathroom because I still have diaherra. I just want to feel like my old self again, right now I am feeling like I might of made a mistake. Does anyone know when this feeling goes away or if it goes away?    — AshleyE05 (posted on October 21, 2009)

October 21, 2009
I will be 8 weeks out tomorrow. I know just how you feel. I had RNY on Aug 27. I promise you things get better every day. I questioned myself for several weeks. I thought what have I done and then around the 5th week I started feeling more like myself. The first several weeks I experienced what it felt like to dump and things like that. I now feel good, I know what I can eat, the drinking of my water, the protein, the food etc. You need to let yourself heal, and take it easy. I am sure in the next week or so you will see a world of difference. I started exercising just this past week. I waited til I was 6 weeks out. I am enjoying water aerobics. I hope this helps. Lesa [email protected]
   — LMyers1020

October 21, 2009
Hi. I'm 41 days out from my surgery and except for being crabby from low sugar occasionally I am feeling much better and have a ton more energy. However, at around the 3 and 4 week stage I was wondering what the heck I did to myself and why. Then I weighed, I started to swim in my clothes, I could move easier with very little pain (a big deal for me at 490 lbs). Now I'm down 77 lbs (I lost 40 before the surgery) and have lost nearly another 40 and I feel sooo much better. I get a thrill when I get satisfied after a half o cup of beans and cheese or a little bowl of soup. Just make sure that your B vitamens are up...drink the propel vitamin waters if you have to, get rest cuz your body is still healing but also move around, make yourself eat. If you are having diahrea then maybe try Nexium or eat some bananas and oatmeal. That seemed to help me. Your body is still producing the usual amount of bile with no place to put it. Give it time to adjust. Maybe pep up with a little cup of coffee in the morning with some vanilla soy milk. You will feel better espeically when other people start to notice your weight loss. I've learned all kinds of neat stuff on this website so log on often and search the internet. Take care of yourself and pamper yourself a little bit. I went out and bought myself a new truck...a big ol '07 Dodge Cummins. God bless you. You'll be find. Love in Christ, ~J~
   — jana11

October 21, 2009
I feel your pain. I am 5 weeks out and I am just starting to feel more like myself. I was told by my doctor it could take up to 6 to 8 weeks to feel like your old self. Remember to eat even if you don't feel like it cause your body needs fuel. Continue to take your vitamins and listen to your body. Rest when you need to. It will get better. God bless.
   — Meeky

October 21, 2009
HI I had my surgery on 12/18/08, So in December it will be a yr. For the 2 month I totally felt like you did. my goal was all about feelin normal...I did regret it every single day...just so you know that is normal. I also did alot of reading on the subject and realized that almost everybody was going thru the same thing. It does help to talk to people like us....Anyway, 90lbs later, I am grateful everyday that I did do it. I actually started feeling better around March...that was when I could eat more foods that made me feel normal...Good luck and this feeling shall pass!!!
   — elimeno

October 21, 2009
I am seven months out after RNY and I saw my surgeon yesterday for a scheduled follow up. I complained that I still don't have the energy back that I feel I should and he explained that your body can take 12-18 months to completely heal and get itself out of "starvation" mode. He said during this period of rapid weight loss you will not have the energy you will eventually have. He said that exercise is very important to help keep energy levels up and to help with sustaining lean muscle. Give yourself time and you should begin to feel better.
   — rkurquhart

October 21, 2009
I had VSG on March 25, 2009 and I remember that the 3 week point was a very rough time. I felt a whole lot better after 4 weeks and really great after 6 weeks. Even though you may have had laproscopic surgery you had major surgery and it takes your body about 6 weeks to complely heal and recouperate. Once your energy picks up and you are able to exercise and the weight really starts coming off you will be glad you had the surgery. I know for about the 1st month I wondered what I did to myself but then once I felt better and started slimming down I was happy I'd had the surgery. I am now down 87 lbs and feeling great. I hope you have great success and feel better soon.
   — Lisa von Wallmenich

October 22, 2009
Ashley... 1st and foremost - know what you are feeling is NORMAL. You are going through what our education classes calls Hibernation Syndrome. We all go through it (in varying degrees) after WLS. For me - weeks 2 - 4 were miserable. I was upset. I was exhausted. I had to force myself to "eat" - well drink at that stage - and to keep hydrated. I didn't want to see anyone. I didn't want to do anything. I didn't answer emails, phone calls, knocks at the door for 2 solid weeks. I was prepared to feel this way - they had a whole hour session on just this prior to surgery. But reading and comprehending it on paper and actually going through it - are two different things. I know ladies that needed to go on Prozac for a few months to get them out of the funk. I know other ladies who sought out therapy. Some talked it out with their spouse, friends, co-workers, nut, etc. just knowing that this is a normal happening should help you wrap your head around it. My surgeon and the education classes told us that right after WLS - as you are rapidly losing weight - all of your fat cells are releasing your hormones back into your system. So you - from your description above - feel like you have PMS on steroids. Hibernation is in full force my friend. From this point (after you acknowledge some thing is a miss) forward, every day will get better. If you are not shaking these feelings off and you've been feeling this way for 2-4 weeks - talk to your surgeon or PCP - they can help you through it. Good luck.
   — jammerz

October 22, 2009
I had felt the same way after! BUT, I found out my iron was low. You need to take an iron pill every night before you go to bed. Your energy will be back in a few days! Believe me, it really helps.
   — LatvianJ

October 22, 2009
Thanks everyone for all your advice. I am really glad this is normal because I feel like a totally different person lately. I do take an iron pill every night before bed, and I also get a B12 shot weekly. I will just try and get through this and I will get some advice from my doctor in 2 weeks. Thanks again!!
   — AshleyE05

October 22, 2009
I hope you are still on liquids or at least thick liquids. If not, that could be why you aren't feeling like yourself. You didn't by all means make a mistake by having the surgery. It crossed my mind for a minute almost 5 yrs ago and my husband reminded me why I had the surgery. is hard, I'll give it that, but once you get used to the phase of foods to be in; you'll do just fine. Your body will stop with diahreah soon. It kinda has to get used to the way you are eating.........well, drinking for food for now. If you aren't on liquids then perhaps you should go back to them for awhile.
   — Kristy

October 22, 2009
I had my surgery August 13, 2009. I had very little pain, but my problem is eating, I can't tolerate meats. I throw up with it, BUT it is getting better I must say. Another thing, my friends that did have RNY all told me you are going to get depressed, I must say I am not depressed, I am so grateful to be down 50+ lbs. So, yes in retropect, I would do this again.
   — FSUMom

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