Experiencing really bad gas, any options?

   — jennewlfe (posted on April 5, 2009)

April 5, 2009
I had lap RNY on March 9th and have had tremendous gas. About two weeks ago I started taking Probiotics (from Walmart, it contains Lactobacillus), and my gas has improved. I don't know if it was getting ready to settle down anyway or if the Probiotics helped but I'm still taking them. It feels weird to swallow large quanity of bacteria on purpose but if it works I'll do it. Hope this helps. Kevin
   — hapkidodoc

April 5, 2009
Sugar is the culprit and carbs when it comes to gas in the gastric bypass patient. I still have alot of gas, I am one year post-op. Usually its when I eat something I am not supposed to be eating. Stay away from sugar and "bad" carbs and see what happens. Good luck
   — okbuffy

April 5, 2009
I had the band placed in January and at my February appt I discussed this same issue with my doctor. He had no suggestions. I have yet to pin down what causes this terrible gas. It is not everyday. My stomach sounds like thunder rolling at times. It is crazy and sometimes embarrassing.
   — krystalbrinkley

April 6, 2009
I had RNY 8/28. I have had terrible gas since. I use alot of Gas-X and that helps some. I chew 2 Devrom every time I eat and that helps with the smell, however, it isn't just when I eat certain things, it is all the time.... If you figure out something that stops is from starting I would be thriled to hear about it.
   — phyllismmay

April 7, 2009
Probiotics help me as well! They also aid in nutrient absorption! I am lactose intolerant and you cannot imagine the pain and , comes with milk and most dairy products. I can tolerate more dairy products with no gas as long as I take probiotics! It's saved me from lonely nights watching TV alone! LOL (family hiding from the smell!) Just when I thought I was going to have to wear carbon underware to absorb the gas odor! LOL (YES, they really do make them!) Gas is a regular thing with RNYers, but eating right really keeps things under control...Sugar and simple carbs are pretty bad/smelly gas producers as well...It calms down after some time...but I swear by probiotics! They even calm down problem gastritis and other gastric problems!
   — .Anita R.

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