dry mouth

Does anyone out there have dry mouth all the time? It was recommended to me to use that oasis spray or mouth rinse. I've tried both and still have dry mouth all the time. Am I lacking something? Thanks.    — oldchevys (posted on March 17, 2008)

March 17, 2008
Russ: I have to ask the most obvious question first. Are you getting enough water? A dry mouth is usually a sign of dehydration. I am not going to say that it is the case in your situation, but it is ONE of the signs. I saw another post with your name on it that said that you were experiencing stomach pain at 6 weeks Post Op. Perhaps you are avoiding fluids because of the pain? My Doctor recommended at least 64 ounces of fluids every day. I would say also that I need to avoid caffeine because it tends to dehydrate the body. The best fluid for the body is pure water. If you need electrolytes, then try some Gatorade. I would recommend G2, the NEW Gatorade that is lower in carbohydrates then the original. You do not want to go overboard and reverse what you are trying to do. If this ISN'T your issue, PLEASE see a qualified physician or call your weight loss specialist and get some expert medical advice. No-one wants you to end up a statistic.
   — hubarlow

March 17, 2008
My first thought with the dry mouth is are you getting your fluids in each day. I am suppose to get at least 64 ounzes per day. Sometimes it is hard to do but on average you should be doing it. My PA told me that if you are thirsty then you are dehydrated but if not you are fine. Just some thoughts on my part.
   — Brenda R.

March 17, 2008
I had the same problem the first few weeks. I started using a humidifyer in my bedroom and it helped a lot. I sip water thru the night and I also increased fluids thru the day. Drink a lot between meals when your pouch is empty and it goes right thru. I have a s/f popcycle for a night cap too. Good luck...
   — lesleigh07

March 18, 2008
I find the new diet and eating habits leave me with a dry month even after 3 months from my RNY WLS. I don't mid it so much as it is a reminder to me I need to drink 100 oz of water a day. Make sure that you are getting all your water and it should be better. I think some of the vitamins they gave me cause part of the problem, but I like the water reminder it gives me.
   — William (Bill) wmil

March 18, 2008
I have horrible dry mouth AND drink way more than 100oz a day (and I haven't had wls yet). While there is a slim chance it could be due to dehydration, most likely it isn't. Dry mouth is not the same thing as "thirst". If you are on medication, that can definitely be a cause. I haven't tried oasis.... I really like biotene. They make a mouth wash, a dry mouth toothpaste, a dry mouth gum, and two saliva substitutes (gel and a semi-liquid). My teeth are ruined from dry mouth. It is really bad for your teeth. Sugar free gum/candy can be helpful. Things with xylitol are really good for your teeth. I've tried a number of "saliva" substitutes and most are gross (to me). Best wishes.
   — mrsidknee

March 18, 2008
Even after successful weight loss with the assistance of RNY over 1-1/2 yr ago, I still have sleep apnea; hence, I use a C-PAP (more recently B-PAP) machine that includes a humidifier. I use a mask that covers both nose and mouth. Even so, I can wake up with my entire mouth (tougue, everything!) totally dry. The solution is a CHIN STRAP that keeps my mouth from dropping open when I fall asleep. The chin strap adds no more discomfort than a similar device that many people place over their eyes to keep light out. You don't need to be using C-PAP/B-PAP machine to get the benefit of a chin strap to keep air from flowing through your mouth as you sleep. If you can't find a chin strap in your local drug store (and they're very inexpensive), it's such a simple device that you can make one for yourself out of materials that you probably already have in your home. Give it a try!
   — [Deactivated Member]

March 18, 2008
I have the problem. I can tell you what my dental hygienist recommended besides keeping the water bottle by your side and sipping on it regularly. Dry mouth does contribute to cavities. So, she recommended using Biotene products..they are specifically for dry mouth. You can get them where you get they make toothpaste and mouthwash. I use the mouthwash..and it helps some. she also said to chew Trident gum...the kind with Xylotol. There is something in the xylotol that is helpful. She told me to chew two pieces at a time...and I only needed to chew it for about 10 minutes. So..these things have been helpful to me..hope they are to you too. not swallow the gum! LOL! Regards~
   — Statuesque

March 19, 2008
Crystal Light w/Hydration added to water is good
   — bypasschick

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