Miscarriage after RNY...

I had open RNY surgery Sept 2002 and became pregnant Dec 2006. I lost the baby at the end of February this year 2007. I sometimes wonder if it could have been affected by my having the surgery. Has anyone else had a miscarried, perhaps more than one and they blame it on the surgery?    — poodie (posted on December 12, 2007)

December 12, 2007
I am so sorry for your loss! Maybe I shouldn't have responded since I have no experience in this what-so-ever, but I felt I had too. Please do not blame the surgery for this happening. In all the information that "I" have read, I found nothing that would even suggest this. In fact, I have read quite the opposite, that being "obese" can hinder your chances of becoming pregnant. Not to mention, YOUR health is very important for the future of any child you may bring into being...... I say, give it time, don't "stress" over this! Surgery has only IMPROVED your health. AND remember a healthy mind and body will bring you all GOOD things to come!!!! Good Luck to You and Bless You!
   — Toni Todd

December 12, 2007
Every thing I've read also says Tone is right. It was not the surgery. Try not to stress and greive. Everything will work out. Good luck, Pat
   — pjennjr

December 12, 2007
i am so sorry to hear about the loss of your child. i have no experience in this, but you may want to consult with the doctors more closely and they may be able to give you more definative- medical based answers. how are your labs? if they are always good and you take the right supplements i wouldn't think it would be related to the surgery especially this far post-op. like the others said: i have only heard and read that people have better outcomes after the surgery, because obesity complicates fertility and pregnancy so negatively. in fact i have PCOS and had the surgery in hopes of my fertility getting better for when my husband and i decide to have children. again i am soo sorry for your loss and i am sure that when you are ready you will be blessed with a child. may god bless you and your family. hope this helps...Holly
   — RNlvnCARSON

December 12, 2007
I, also, am sorry for your loss! I agree with the others. It was not the surgery especially considering you are over 4 years out. If it were 4 months then it would seem more likely but you have had a lot of time between. My prayers are with you.
   — Lost4Ever

December 13, 2007
I am sorry for your loss. I had wls Dec. 2004 so I am almost 3 years out. I found out I was pregnant Oct. 2006 and miscarried Dec. 2006. MY ob-gyn is also a wls patient so he has knowledge with post-op pregnancies. My miscarriage was not post-wls related. So don't think it was anything you did or related to the surgery. My labs prior to me getting pregnant was perfect. Take care and get plenty of rest, and if you want to reach out to me personally please do.
   — Frankie

December 13, 2007
I really dont see HOW it could have had anything to do with the surgery, especially as far out as you are. There just isn't really anyway. I would have had more of a chance of having complications during my pregnancy as I got pregnant 3 months post op, yet my daughter was born fine. I am sorry for your loss
   — NavyNukeWife

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