Is anyone else bruising easily?

I bruise very very easily and it looks horrible but all my blood work has come back normal. And I'm already taking an Iron supplement. Any suggestions as to what it could be??    — dianalp (posted on May 7, 2007)

May 7, 2007
My bloodwork is all OK too, just had my 3 month labs pulled on Saturday; but I am not expecting anything bad as I have been a good girl and you know what.... I carried some heavy boxes a week or two ago and I still have bruises from them. I bruise easier and hey last FOREVER!! I will be interested to see what people post. Even after surgery - they gave us those shots in our belly to thin our blood - those brusies lasted almost a full month before they were totally gone. Bizarre!
   — jammerz

May 7, 2007
If you are not taking any medication to prevent blood clots or don't have a clotting disorder, then you may be low on you Vitamin K level. This helps regulate the clotting cascade. Talk to your doctor about it first before taking any new medication though....
   — Kari_K

May 7, 2007
Hi Diane. I bruise easily too. One bump and I am blue or purple from most any bump. I am not sure the reason, but I have learned to accept it. Take care, Patricia P.
   — Patricia P

May 8, 2007
Have your Dr. check your Vit. K level. You may need a small dose of Vitamin K. Julia
   — Julia W.

May 8, 2007
Since my surgery I have bruised easily too. I dont know what causes it.
   — barfiep01

May 8, 2007
Add collagen, use a good lotion after taking a shower, pat dry so there is still some moisture, add on the collagen lotion. The better the product, the better it will help. As you loose fat you also loose the collogen just under the skin that helps protect and hold the skin together (just like for you face) Arms are especially susceptible. Hope this helps, I know several others that it has. DonnaO
   — Donna O.

May 8, 2007
Join the club, at almost 18 mos out and approaching 200lbs lost I have legs that look like an abuse victim. No one can tell me why either, but I'll deal with it versus the weight lol.
   — tazthewiz23

May 8, 2007
Great question. I experience the same issue as you all do. Let's work to get a good answer.
   — reach1more

May 8, 2007
Which iron are you taking? How much? How much vit C? And do you have copies of your lab work? Although vit k shortage can cause bruising, it's not common in our population. Inadequate or wrong type of iron IS common and "almost anemic" is "as good as" for many of us, so having your own blood work in hand is helpful. If they are only running CBC, they are not seeing the early warning signs. (but you are). You need to be seeing a ferritin and serum iron level to help you see the whole picture.
   — vitalady

May 8, 2007
Gotta ask here... what does bruising easily mean? Is there a standard amount of bruising? How do we quantify it? If your labwork is normal, my guess would be that you are experiencing more bruise-producing events than most. Is it possible that your internal compass has not yet adjusted to your newly proportioned body? I'm not trying to make light of the issue, do discuss it with your doctor, but trying to think outside of the box. I frequently find myself bumping into things as my radar is still set for a larger or different shaped body. Hope this is helpful.
   — mrsidknee

May 10, 2007
I bruse when my dog jumps on me or when I brush up against the coach/bed/desk. I am so tired of this but I say hey I am going through all these other problems maybe one of the doctors I am seeing will tell me something. I had blood work for the 3rd time yesterday in the last 4 weeks. Maybe one of the 3 doctors will tell me the flippin results by the end week. I am having allot of dizzy spells so maybe I will find out if something is lacking in my blood after WLS.
   — BrendaBoo

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