My grandfather is gravely sick with a stroke i have my surgery on 3/6

i am scared if something happens to him (God forbides) then something will happen to me too. my family is somewhat superstitious(sp). i told myself if something happens then i will not do    — LUKESHA C. (posted on January 19, 2003)

January 19, 2003
Something already happened to him. He had a stroke. You can decide not to have the surgery, but that will not change the fact that he had a stroke. It will however increase the chance that the next person in your family to be gravely ill could be you. Obesity contributes to a host of illnesses; stroke, heart failure, high blood pressure, diabetes, and the list goes on. You are not your grandfater. You are healthy and need to have something done to insure your future health. Would your grandfather want you to miss out on a life saving opportunity? I don't think so. We can not do anything to change someone we love's situation. But we are obligated to do the best we can for ourselves, in order to be there for the others we love. I wish you much luck. My prayers are with your grandfather. My father was a stroke patient, I know what you are going through.
   — Pam G.

January 19, 2003
My grandma had a saying, God helps those who help themselves. YOU have the opportunity to get healthy. Concern for your grandpa is fine but dont let that affect your decision to get your surgery. If you had cancer would you even think of this? Mo and cancer both make people very ill and can kill. Thinner you can better help your family. Get surgery and promise yourself you will give something back every day if you do well as a post op. I made that promise and help moderate here. Like I said give something back. Besides your grandpa wether he lives or dies would want to see you happy and healthy. He might be cheering you on from heaven, like I believe my mom was. But he would want you to do good. Dont use him as a reason to not get healthy.
   — bob-haller

January 19, 2003
   — Michael K.

January 19, 2003
Supersticion(SP) is just that. You have a chance of a lifetime, please go through with it. You aren't your grandfather. Ask for extra prayers, but please don't let anything ruin your chances for a healthier life.
   — Tracydarlin

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