What should I take with me for my first initial consult with the surgeon?

I have my first consult with a surgeon for wls. What should I take with me that could help him and me in getting approval for insurance? Should I take my whole medical chart from my internist or should I just give him my medical history verbally with a list of my diet history? Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you Patricia Adler    — Patricia A. (posted on October 5, 1999)

October 5, 1999
I'm interesting in seeing this information, as well. My initial consultation with the surgeon is scheduled on Friday, 10/8/99. My surgeon is Dr K. Kelly in Scottsdale. Any advise? Thanks....Janet
   — Janet F.

October 5, 1999
My surgeon mailed me some necessary forms as soon as we set the date for the first consult. I had about two weeks to get them completed. Also, I spent those two weeks gathering up my medical records from all of my physicians, etc. I really believe that was a great time saver, as I was able to take those records with me to the first consult. The surgeon's office then was able to mail a letter to my insurance company within a couple of days after the consult. Of course, I haven't heard from the ins. company, yet - but called last week and they said they hadnt received the letter. (My PCP said he had) So I got a FAX # and gave it to the surgeon's office and Vicki said she would FAX the letter. I am going to call ins. tomorrow and see where the request for approval is in their system. The more prepared you can be, the shorter the wait time (I hope). Good Luck! c
   — Sandy C.

October 5, 1999
My surgeon requested that I send my medical records from the past 4 years to him. He also had me send in a personal questionairre. About 4 pages worth of questions, like "how long have you been overwieght", "why do I think I overeat", etc. I am also required to have an EKG sent to him before my first meeting with him. It's a lot of paper shuffling and phone calls. I suggest that you call his office and ask them what they prefer. Good Luck!!!!
   — Heather A.

October 5, 1999
Patricia... Goodmorning, Before I went to see the surgeon for the first time, I had written down my weight & diet history, any medical issues that were caused by being obese and an entire list of questions. My surgeon is Dr. Lirio who is based in Schenectady NY, he spends an average of 3 hours with patients on their first visit, interviewing & informing. Bring a notebook to write things down, so you do not forget... I remember I was so excited that I heard alot of "whah...whah...whah"... Like Charlie Brown's teacher was talking. Good Luck... this is the best thing I have ever done for myself! Surgery 10/22/97 Original weight... 397 Height 6' BMI 52 Current weight 175 BMI 24
   — Mary Anne M.

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