I am so confused, I have had 5 fills on my realize band to a total of 9ccs in 11 cc

band, why am I not feeling the restriction? anyone else had this problem, what was the outcome. I can eat more than a cup of food, my doc says if can eat more than the cup, to keep coming bk for more fills. I only have 2 more ccs left in this band, then what??    — T R. (posted on April 6, 2010)

April 6, 2010
I am going thru the same thing. I have 9.5 in an 11cc band. I can eat pretty much anything and more than a cup. A few times I have gotten food stuck. It has always been chicken and always early in the day. Other than that, I can't even tell I have it. I have lost 42lbs and I'm grateful for that, but it's stalled. My weight seems to go up & down a little but no real loss in about 2 months. I'm sooo frustrated!
   — Kat24fan

April 7, 2010
I am having exactly the same issue. I have never had good restriction since after the first two months I was banded. The MD just kept saying "We haven't gotten to your 'sweet spot' yet. Now I have 8 cc and the most the restriction lasted was 4 days. Finally, I got the MD to listen and he checked how many cc's in the band, he could only draw out 2. He put one more in making it 3, I had restriction for again about 4 days. So after having endoscopy he is finally going to check for a leak (in about 2 weeks). I have only lost 35 pounds since August 2009 and was feeling like a total failure AGAIN. So don't wait that long and ask your MD to check and see how many cc's is in it and if not close to the right amount have him do flouroscopy. Hope this helps. Let me know.
   — cjjrn1

April 8, 2010
I am 4 weeks post op, so this may not be any help and you have probably tried it already, but.. do you make a meal last 20-25 minutes to give yourself time to feel "full"? Also, do you stick by the no drinking 30 minutes before, during and 30 minutes after eating? I told my doctor today that I could eat more than a cup. His reply was, "Are you saying that you can eat more than a cup, or are you saying that after eating a cup and waiting for awhile, you are physically hungry?" For me, that's the difference. I could put more food in my pouch, but don't need to as my hunger is taken care of. Just a couple thoughts. Good luck on your journey.
   — Libby R.

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