I'm not making any progress in the weight loss needed before surgery

I have an appointment with the np on 3/8. I have not lost any weight since my first appt with the surgeon back in August, I haven't gained any either. Can you all please tell me what type of program you all used to loose the required amount of weight. I have tried Nutri System, (food was horrible) I'm currently on WW, and am thinking of trying Jenny Craig. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance for your time. Cindy B.    — SAMMYB (posted on February 15, 2010)

February 15, 2010
I also had to lose weight before the surgery. They prescribed me phentermine wich helped alot. I have tried every diet prior to phentermine and non of them worked for me either. Maybe you should ask your doctor about phentermine they may be willing to prescribe it for you depending on your insurance
   — TyannaPrince

February 15, 2010
I don't really have an answer I am still new to this. But THis raises another queston for me. So the doctors don't help you lose weight prior to surgery? they just tell you you need to lose weight and come back when you have lost it and we will perform the surgery???? They won't perform the surgery until you lose you could be holding yourself back by not losing??
   — Moonlight12

February 16, 2010
Try no carbs, no sugar, basically its the atkins , but it worked great for me I lost 35 lbs , just had my surgery last week, best of luck to you, ps its better than all those other diets if your looking for quick weight loss, I did Nut Sys , WW, and all the others, this worked the best
   — barry l.

February 16, 2010
I go to the Cleveland Clinic in Weston, Fl... they don't make you lose weight before surgery, I started the pre-op liquids 2 weeks prior and lost 19 pounds. But to help myself I gave up chocolate/sweets on aug 1st so I would be over the withdrawals by the 21st (surgery)the 2 week pre-op is to help shrink the liver. forget the other diets, most of them have so much sodium in their foods... Dont drink soda, diet or otherwise, drinks lots of water... rule of thumb is "IF ITS WHITE DON'T BITE" and "IF IT'S SWEET DONT EAT"..... it works, try it for a week... also caffeine makes you hungry... i am 6 months out this monday and 97 pounds down! You can do it...
   — MarthaJ0110

February 16, 2010
Hi thing that worked for me, and believe me, I thought she was crazy when she suggested it... and that's eating 6 small meals per day. For instance at 6:00 a.m., 9:00 a.m., 12:00 noon, 3:00 p.m., 6:00 p.m., and 9:00 p.m. She told me to try and make each meal about 150 to 200 calories, using things like Walmart's Great Value fat-free turkey breast, fat-free cream cheese, Eggbeaters, steamed vegetables, NO WHITE CARBS (no potatoes, no white rice, no white bread, no popcorn, no white pasta), and to eat 4 oz of fish or chicken at a time, and drink LOTS and LOTS of water (and if you hate plain water like me, the flavored waters or Crystal Light are just fine with her). Well, I'm definitely not a breakfast person, but I began having oatmeal for breakfast as soon as I'd get to work, and I had my mid-morning snacks all prepared (I'd take a piece of the fat-free turkey and roll it up around a half a tablespoon of fat-free cream cheese or fat-free sliced cheese) and have two or three of those. Or, I'd fix up some tuna or chicken salad using the pouches tuna or chicken because for some reason they seem to have less fat, and I'd mix up the pouch with two tablespoons of low fat mayonnaise (I just couldn't stand the fat free stuff) and put in two chopped eggs, and a heaping tablespoon of dill relish...and I'd have a quarter cup of that along with some low-fat crackers or rice cakes made out of brown rice (I found them at a King Soopers market in the Kosher section). Then, for lunch, I'd usually have a 4 ounce piece of fish (tilapia, cod, halibut or salmon) with a half a slice of fat-free cheese melted on it, and I'd spray it with a couple of squirts of "I Can't Believe It's Not Butter" and put a little tiny bit of garlic salt on it, and serve it with spinach or sauteed squash or some brown rice or a quarter cup of sweet potato. Then, I'd have a little snack at mid-day - like a couple of celery sticks with no-sugar-added peanut butter or fat-free cream cheese, and then for dinner, it would be a replay of lunch. For my evening "meal" before bed, I might have a sugar-free jell-o pudding, or a piece of whole grain bread with no-sugar-added peanut butter and sugar-free strawberry preserves on it to satisfy my sweet tooth. From October 1st to March 2, I lost 27 pounds. It wasn't hard, just took some getting used to -- eating 6 times per day. But, they say that's what gives your metabolism a kick start and makes your body burn more calories...and I guess it does - it worked for me, anyway. Oh, and also... make sure to drink at LEAST 64 ounces of water (and no, that doesn't include your coffee). I hope this helps....
   — Erica Alikchihoo

February 16, 2010
Cindy, I have also been having a hard time but after listening to some people on here I just had to get my head on and Im on my 2nd day of dieting, hoping its working. Its all about the protein and keeping under 1400cal for me. I had eggs and turkey bacon for breakfast, tuna salad with melba toast for lunch and planning hamburger for dinner. maybe a whey protein drink tonight. I have just told myself if I want this I have to do this and the faster I get the weight off the faster I can have my surgery. Good luck Im right there with u. Kim
   — kb64

February 16, 2010
My doctor from Clarian Bariatric Center in Indianapolis,IN has me on Liver reduction diet.. I been on it since October 28, 2009 so far i lost 40 pounds.. They also told me to stop all sodas before surgery casue wont be able have any after.. Got one more month to see if i lost enough go ahead with RNY surgery..
   — ddeeeeanna

February 16, 2010
I was put on a 1200 calorie diet before my surgery. I was able to lose 10 lbs. I ate mostly Smart Ones meals. I wouldn't sweat it. The Dr. just wants to make sure you are capable of losing weight and can stick to a diet plan. The less you weigh,the healthier you are going into surgery, always remember that! Best of luck to you!
   — SarahMascara

February 16, 2010
Hi, I lost weight before surgery by doing a shake for breakfast and one for lunch then eating dinner.My shake was 2-3 scoops of protein(soy isolate 90% unflavored),1 cup of frozen fruit and a cup of fat free milk blended.the protein powder i bought from I also cut out Mayo,Bread( ate wheat or grain when I did have bread),carbonation,caffine,fried foods and most starches. if you eat right and stick to it the weight rolls off. I lost 125 lbs in 6 months before surgery.Well hope it helps some and good luck.
   — Andy Lafferty

February 17, 2010
Hey ther Cindy,I used Ensure 4 X day and did really well with that, I know my doctor told a friend of mine to just eat Lean Cuisine 3 times a day and that worked for her She kept the points under 1000cals as did I. You will need to do the liquid diet preop anyway so this will help you, Good luck.
   — OntarioSilk

February 17, 2010
Hi Cynthia, and congrats on making the decision to a better and healthier you. After all my pre-op testing was done and I had my final appt before submitting to insurance, I had gained 4 lbs. My doctor was so irritated with me he doubled it and told me I had to lose 8 lbs by the time my approval came through or he wouldn't do the surgery. That was a Monday. That Sat (already lost 6 days by waiting until sat) I decided to do high protein, very low carbs (25g or less). They told me it would be 2 weeks minimum before I heard if I was approved or not. Welllllll, that Monday I was approved. My next appt was the following Monday. I was very worried about losing that 8 lbs, but stuck to the high protein (check the Atkins website for tips) and on appt day, I had lost exactly 8 lbs! Whew! Whether or not he actually would have cancelled my surgery, I don't know. But it felt good to be able to do it! And it was a great way to start the process of high protein diet. Good luck to you! Keep us posted!
   — Karen K.

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