
I had the lapband surgery about 3 years ago. I started off well but have gained almost all of my wieght back. I fell like I can eat anything. I have started going back to the gym and trying to get back on track with my eating. I almost feel like giving up. I am so embarrased I have not returned to see my wieghtloss surgeon for some time. I am working with my primary physician right now. Should I consider have a revision? I don't know what to do.    — jamjam (posted on January 28, 2010)

January 27, 2010
I also have gone thru the same thing. I have done my research and my surgeon said the band works better on pt's 50 and older. Also the band works on about 40% of patients. I am on my way to revision to have gastric bypass
   — dekermar

January 28, 2010
I don't know much about the lapband, but I think you can stretch out from a smaller size to a bigger size, so people have to keep up on going in for fills using the port in the abdomen. Why don't you start with returning to your surgeon for an adjustment before you consider a revision. Is your primary giving you the port fills? Maybe it isn't enough fill in band. Just a thought.
   — Kristy

January 29, 2010
You are not alone in this situation! First I would like to correct two things in previous posts. 1) Age does not matter one bit! 2) The band can't stretch, so getting a fill won't help. The opening in the band will stay the same unless there is a leak, which is possible. I got the band in 2004, lost about 40 pounds then stopped. I had a tight fill, but was still not loosing, then I developed bad reflux. When I went to the doctor, and I think you should go, he discovered that I had a slip and hiatal hernia. In August of 2009, I had the band taken out and got the gastric sleeve. What a wonderful difference! No throwing up, no slime, no fills, no port...just minimal hunger and lots of weight loss. I have lost 50 pounds in six months and am very happy with that. I have about 20 pounds to go. Please don't be embarrased, this has happened to so many people. Don't give up! Do go back to your original surgeon, or another WLS if you are not comfortable with him and talk to him about a revision. Working out and working with your PCP are both good, but a revision can change your life! Let me know how you are doing...I care! Best wishes for a happy change!
   — Bonnie H.

January 29, 2010
Hello, I felt compelled to answer your question. There is hope! I too went through what you are going through and I am about to convert from lapband to RNY on March 3rd. I suggest checking out revision surgery. Let me know if I can help and hang in there.
   — FindingAndrea

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