
does this have anything to do with wls? i have hay fever really bad this summer, like i did when i was much younger. i am 48 now. i am enjoying all the other side effects of wls like being the weight i was at age 20 and the energy when i was 16. i havent had hay fever for years but i have been miserable for a week. just wondering if it was wls related in any way.    — PATSY N. (posted on June 3, 2002)

June 3, 2002
Patsy, I live in Denver and this has been the driest spring we've had in at least 10 years. All the metro cities and suburbs have imposed lawn watering restrictions cause the draught is so bad. Anyway, the news has said that because it is so extraordinarily dry that allergies are way worse than ususal too. That could be what's going on and it wouldn't have anything to do with your surgery. You might call the Nevada Health Department and see if they have any info for you.
   — garw

June 3, 2002
I have had just the opposite reaction after the surgery. I am six months post-op and I noticed almost immediately that I wasn't having nearly as many sinus or allergy problems as before surgery. I was stunned but what a great, unexpected side-effect of the surgery. I hope you find the source of your hay fever and get it under control.
   — Patty_Butler

June 3, 2002
I have a seasonal allergy that lasts from Mother's Day to Father's Day every year! I am especially careful this year about what to take. I have been taking Claritin reditabs but they are not working. I used to take Zyrtec. Is it ok to take now? Also I used to take chorltrimetone (sp?) and it worked a long time ago. Now I am just suffering and sneezing all the time. I have Flonase but haven't used it either because I am not sure if safe. Can anyone advise? I know I need to go to the allergy doctor but I hate to miss more work. Hope someone can help with any advice. Thanks!
   — Marilyn C.

June 6, 2002
i am the original poster. i went to the doctor and he said it is just a bad allergen/pollen time and symptoms should subside in a week or two. he gave me allegra which is not working very well. i am going to call today for something else. thanks for the replies.
   — PATSY N.

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