
Hi I have been having gas pain since Monday and my doctor gave me reglan for it on Thrusday. I am still in pain. Its in my right side and it want move. I have never felt so much pain with gas in my life. and one had this happen to them. it only easy up for about 10 min and it back at it. I will be going to my prmiary care doctor on Wed but I pray this go away soon..    — JANIECEMOM (posted on June 19, 2010)

June 19, 2010
Buy Devrom, it works great. Do you walk a lot, that should help?
   — FSUMom

June 19, 2010
Like Shelley said....walk, walk, walk!!! The more you move, the faster it will work its way out of your system. It is probably gas that is still trapped inside from your surgery (they use gas to "inflate" your abdomen so that they can work inside a little easier). You can try Devrom, but that's for smelly farts, mainly...
   — Erica Alikchihoo

June 19, 2010
I agree with the walking. It really does help but we cannot walk 24/7, right? While sitting during the day and when I lay down in bed to sleep at night I used a heating pad. I actually think the heating pad did more to relieve me of the gas than anything else.
   — Caribou ME

June 20, 2010
I also agree to walking it helps a lot. I know this going to sound strange but how is your bowel movements? constipated? ( because gas can build up in your bowels if you are) If so, you should try to drink some warm prune juice my nurse recommended it to me and it worked.
   — Mary D.

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