Very Nervous and Anxious!

Ok, I know this question has probably been posted a thousand times but I am doing it again! LOL So I am scheduled for RNY on April 19th and it has been a long journey for me.. I have these highs where I am so so excited but then all of a sudden I start second guessing myself. Self Doubting "am i making the right choice" it is driving me nuts! I know in my head THIS is what i wanted for so so so long, so Why now I am scared.. I keep thinking of the NG tube my surgeon uses... So any advice would be greatly appreciated.. Thanks, Jenn    — Jennifer G. (posted on April 8, 2010)

April 8, 2010
Yesterday was the first time I had a little regret in doing this surgery. BTW, I lost 112 lbs. It is life changing and rough, but by the by and by I would do it again. Be compliant with what your Dr. tells you to do in all aspects of your weight loss journey my weight loss sister. Good luck, if you need an ear email me.
   — FSUMom

April 8, 2010
Jennifer, congratulations on your journey so far. I know by now you've had to do a lot of soul searching, legwork and practice some patience! So... good for you, taking these steps toward a healthier, happier you! It seems to be quite common to go back and forth about how you feel about surgery. I would wake up one day convinced I was on the absolutely wrong path and that I would fail... and the next I'd be so excited and confident I was really doing a good thing for myself. I'm eight weeks out, and seeing that scale move is a real motivator!! I had never had any surgery before, and was a little scared of some of the details, but my surgeon and his team were very professional and answered all my questions kindly and to my satisfaction. Share your concerns, however small they may be, and see if they can help allay your fears. The pain and discomfort was less than I had imagined, and I healed quickly, feeling like the three weeks I took off work was too much (maybe 2 1/2 would have been perfect for me). Good for you... a year from now you'll wonder why you waited so long to decide to have surgery. I wish you the very best... smooth sailing... and we're saving a place for you on the "loser's bench!"
   — Greg K.

April 8, 2010
You go, girl! I do have to admit that I never became anxious about my surgery. All went well and I lost 136 lbs. I got sick a couple of times simply because I ate too fast - my fault. BTW, after I lost my weight I was reconnected with my boyfriend from high school - hadn't seen him in over 40 years. Guess what, I looked better than he did! Thank you, RNY!! Keep us informed as to how you are doing.
   — Muggs

April 9, 2010
I know what you are going thru. My RNY surgery was originally scheduled for April 20. I was getting anxious as well and questioning. Now scheduled for April 26 and to tell you the truth when I got the call yesterday that they needed to reschedule I was sad. Then I knew this is what I wanted to do. I also look at the meds I am taking and hoping to be off of at least some at some point, what an incentive. Tying my shoes, being able to excercise w/o being winded and exhausted, buying clothes in the normal size dept. Think about all of that and know you are doing the right thing for you. It will take time, I am sure, but way to go . . . . we are almost there.
   — Cindya19

April 9, 2010
Hi Jennifer...I'm another one of the small percentage who NEVER ONCE became frightened or nervous about my surgery. I don't know - maybe it's because I mainly had my surgery to try and eliminate the horrible back pain I was suffering, which I attributed to the 307+ pounds I was carrying around, and I felt that if there were any complications at all, they COULD NOT be worse than the pain in my back. Or, maybe it's because I don't believe that death is "the end" for us and if something were to go horribly wrong with my surgery, I would just be beginning another adventure or phase of my "life". Who knows? All I know is that I did a ritual of "Thanks" the night before my surgery, and as I was being wheeled into the operating room, I placed myself into the arms of The Great Mother, and felt safe and warm and fear at all. And when I woke up, I had to smile as I overheard one of the recovery room nurses talking on the phone and telling someone that I was a "priestess." I knew then that all was well, and that I had nothing whatsoever to worry about. I was back in my room in about 45 minutes, and up walking about 2 hours later. I had only a miniscule amount of pain, and when I went home less than 48 hours later, I actually stopped by the store and shopped for some different dressings for my incisions. You'll do fine. Just place your faith in whatever your concept of The Divine is, and know that you will be safe and WAY MORE HEALTHY on the other side of surgery. See you on the "Loser's Bench"!
   — Erica Alikchihoo

April 9, 2010
These feelings are completely normal! I also felt nervous and excited when my surgery date came near (6/16/09). I'd never had surgery before and the risks were frightening. Conversly, the risks of NOT having the surger were much more frightening. This is an exciting time; try to take it easy and look forward to the changes ahead.
   — KiaSunRay

April 9, 2010

April 10, 2010
congrats.. i was nervous. i was gonna cancel but never told anyone. then i thought about my health problems. they were goona take me or i was gonna go trying to lose wt. I want a high risk but i was a risk. I am alomst 5 yrs out and i am loving life. I keep a old pic of me on my work badge. It is so hard ot believe that was me. good luck take it day by day and dont push yourself.
   — tomboytaz8

April 11, 2010
Hi Jenn, I just had surgery April 6 2010. I Cx my 1st surgery date 2/15/10 because I was scared. I also went into a deep depression until I rescheduled a new date. I am 5 days out and I have not been this excited about anything in such a long time. I have not lost any weight so far but I am feeling more and more confident about myself. If you have doubts about your surgeon....RUN!!!! I also attended a support group for the 1st time last saturday before surgery and the encouragement, comfort, hugs and well wishes gave me all the courage I needed plus I feel like I have new friends. God Bless, K Burns
   — Kat_6665

April 11, 2010
Hi Jenn, I just had surgery April 6 2010. I Cx my 1st surgery date 2/15/10 because I was scared. I also went into a deep depression until I rescheduled a new date. I am 5 days out and I have not been this excited about anything in such a long time. I have not lost any weight so far but I am feeling more and more confident about myself. If you have doubts about your surgeon....RUN!!!! I also attended a support group for the 1st time last saturday before surgery and the encouragement, comfort, hugs and well wishes gave me all the courage I needed plus I feel like I have new friends. God Bless, K Burns
   — Kat_6665

April 11, 2010
BINGO- my RNY gastric bypass surgery is that SAME DAY as you (19th April)! So, I guess we will be feeling the same! Trust me, when you say "am I making the right choice" etc etc - I feel EXACTLY the same, I keep thinking, am I mad - I am doing this to stop my obsession with food - I must be crazy!! And also, God made my intestines etc so perfectly, and now I will be slicing & dicing - I must be crazy!One minute I know in my heart that it is the right thing to do & then I read or hear something bad - and then go back onto the same roller coaster ride AGAIN! I have two friends that have had the rny and they say its the best thing they ever did and would do it again in a heart beat. Keep in touch (as me as a friend) so that we can email each other once we are back home from the op) as I am sure we will be sharing the same emotions! Love Paula - from sunny South Africa
   — paulamill

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