Does anyone else...

try new foods just to try them and feel like "if I throw up, I throw up...big deal?" I do this and most times I don't throw up, but if I do, I really am not upset about it. I figure, how else am I going to know if i can eat it?    — kittyluver77 (posted on May 16, 2007)

May 16, 2007
Absolutely!! On June 1st I will be a year and a half out but I still get sick on chicken if it's not just "perfect". And I keep on trying it, lol! I just don't eat it when I'm eating out anymore. For some reason the throwing up just doesn't bother me either! Are we weird?? Or do we just have the right attitude about the whole situation? I'm thinking the latter!!! Best of luck to you!! (PS, now down to 138 from 297 and wishing I could lose that 1 pound to hit -160!!! then 2 more pounds to reach my personal goal of 135!!! so close!!!)
   — LindaLee H.

May 16, 2007
U R so cute!! Yep...I do. I try one to two new things a week (depending). If I dump or it gives me the foamies, or's a small price to pay to expand my food realm. Luckily....I tolerate all foods (to date and knock on wood) very well. Still haven't thrown up (knock on wood) and only had two dumping episodes - apple juice and tomato soup - bad combo & carnation instant breakfast w/1% milk (my fav, pre surgery) proved to be too much for me after - live and learn...that's my motto! Good luck! Jammie LAP/RNY 2/15/07 - down 65lbs. today!
   — jammerz

May 16, 2007
I am lucky because I have not had any problems with any type of food. I stick to eating protein and only had a couple of incidents where I felt sick and that is because I did not chew my meat well. I wanted to throw up but I am to chicken cause I hate it when I vomit because it comes out of my mouth and my nose (okay TMI) I have only dumped once and that was with apple juice as well.
   — Diana06

May 16, 2007
That is true. I purchase a cheese-steak for my partner yesterday and took a small bite -- bread and all to see how it would taste -- it was okay; however, I'm not ready to dive into one just yet. Maybe in the next 2-3 months.
   — the7thdean

May 16, 2007
I do it everyday! I am always trying new stuff to see what I can tolerate. If I throw up, it doesn't hurt my feelings.
   — SouthTexasKrissy

May 17, 2007
Well, I am envious. I am terrified of being 'sick' and so I take everything very very slow. Fortunately, I suppose, my surgeon has me on liquids for 6 weeks post op ... no soft foods even. Short of loose mashed potatoes, I have not tried anything solid. I will be very cautious about trying anything in the near future. I feel quite certain I will be sick a time or two but I am doing everything to avoid it as I am a 'skeerty cat'! Best of luck!
   — heloize

May 17, 2007
Yes! I try new things all the time. I'm 10 months out from RNY and I still occasionally have a bout with dumping -- but not as often as I used to. I don't think it's WHAT I eat anymore; rather, it's HOW I eat and HOW MUCH I eat. The occasional dumping I experience keeeps me "honest" and reminds me to not overdo it (not too much) and to chew very well those things that need it.
   — [Deactivated Member]

May 17, 2007
Well, how else do we expand our food choices? In the last week alone I've tried tomato's, sweet peppers, raw onions, roast beef, seafood salad, homemade sugar free cake, mango, Orange, and a t-bone steak. And I feel silly since I'm 2 years out and finally trying differant foods! The only thing that ever made me (almost throw up) sick was a banana 4 weeks after surgery. I dump and feel miserable sometimes, but it's usually on junk I know I shouldn't eat. Haven't thrown up yet.. :) I wonder what sushi tastes like? I've never tried it - even before surgery.... hmmm.
   — HeidiMc

May 17, 2007
Go for it girl! The whole process is trial and error. I have been sick on some things and retried them months later with no problem. However, there are still a few things, like eggs, that make me wish death for a few hours. Goodluck!!
   — tazthewiz23

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