I'm Bi-Polar & On 2 Meds For It - Anyone In Similar Position "2006"

I have Bi-Polar & am on Lamictal & Seroquel for it for many years now. So far they have controlled my symptoms. I also have Medicare (1st insurer) and Aetna (2nd insurer) do you think this will stand in my way for operation??? I'm in my middle 50's does age also play a part. So confused...but going to the doctor March 24, 2006.    — silentwriter (posted on March 18, 2006)

March 18, 2006
I know of bi polar patients getting WLS. Its IMPORTANT to get liquid meds for the immediate post op period when you cant take pills. DONT GO OFF YOUR MEDS RIGHT AFTER SURGERY!
   — bob-haller

March 18, 2006
Here is my .02. This was something that was completely overlooked by my surgeon. I was taken off all of my psychotropics. All of them. For 7 days. I nearly ended up back in the hospital only this time in a different ward if you know what I mean. You MUST make sure your surgeon understands how important this is. You MUST make sure your mental health provider is working with you as well, so that right after surgery, you are back on your meds as soon as possible. I wish you a good outcome. Chris
   — CChappell

March 18, 2006
i am bi-polar, was approved by Cigna, I have taken lamectal and serequel b4 also, good luck, this should not hold you back if your psych dr will ok you for surgery
   — rmc5605

March 18, 2006
I'm Bi-Polar and didn't have any problem with getting approved. I didnt have to go through the physc approval because the doctor I was already seeing wrote a letter saying that he found my condition to be stable. I don't think your age will affect your approval. Good luck.
   — badkidzmom

March 18, 2006
Good answers from everyone! I have chronic depression, and restarted my Zoloft as soon as my NG tube was out. I would ask you doctor if there are any similar IV forms of your meds you could have until you are allowed oral fluids. (Not everyone has an NG tube, so you may be able to restart them even faster than 3 days). Barix Clinics said that they sort of have age 60 as their top age, but will go a bit higher in certain circumstances. We are living a lot longer these days and want all of our years to be as healthy as possible. I also was able to have my own psychiatrist write a letter supporting my need for surgery and my competency for it. Good luck! Valerie Z.
   — ValerieZ

March 18, 2006
I don't think you will have a problem with being cleared as far as the bipolar is concerned, as long as your psych. doctor feels you are stable mentally. I am bipolar take 1,500 mg depakote, 20 mg paxil, & 1 mg klonopin ( i did have to change my depakote to liquid for my upcoming surgery 4/5) the other (2) pills are very small and i don't feel i will have a problem with them...but we will see. As far as age i believe my surgeons age limit is also in the 60's range.hope this helped somewhat~good luck
   — tiffany E.

March 18, 2006
I am also on Lamictal (yeah, I love what it's done for me) My Dr. is very supportive and will perscribe it in a liquid form when it is time for my surgery. She also said it is fine to crush them. She has also written a letter of support, adressing the phmacology of my medication, my mental readiness for wls and available support systems for all the changes that are sure to come afterwards. Please talk to your psychiatrist well before surgery. Good Luck on your surgery. Laura J.
   — lbjohnson

March 19, 2006
I am bipolar and had the surgery in 2003. I was taking lithium and prozac at the time. I has placed on liquid meds for a few days following the procedure and had my lithuim level checked very often afterwards to make sure that as I was losing that I was not being overdosed. My psych doc did have to write a letter stating that he felt that I was bing managed well on my meds and I also went through the psych eval with the doc my surgeon recommended as well. I was completely honest about my disorder and it helped me and my surgeon to better maintain my disorder after the surgery. Good luck to you.
   — KittyKatt

March 19, 2006
Age will not play into it usually. Went I went to my first meeting with the dr there were a number of people much older than myself there...I am 47
   — RobertMiller

March 19, 2006
I have not had WLS yet, but when I went to the first WLS doc I was taking Seroquel and Lamictal. DON'T STOP TAKING YOUR MEDS SUDDENLY!! Make sure your doc knows you are on these meds. I was in the hospital for a different reason and I was ABRUPTLY taken off ALL of my meds including Seroquel and Lamictal. I got soooo sick. It was awful. Good luck with everything!!
   — Agrippina05

March 19, 2006
I'm also bipolar, taking lamictal, buspirone, and effexor. I had a consult with my Psych once I found out all my meds needed to be in liquid, chewable or crushed. At the mg that I take Lamictal I am better off crushing the meds, lamictal does not come in liquid form and the dissolving kind only comes in 25mg. My buspirone also is the same story, and very difficult to crush since it is so compact. However, the effexor should be the easiest to take, since I can carefull pull the capsule apart and take it with a spoonful of yoghurt or applesauce, etc. I never was denied because I was diagnosed as being bipolar as a matter of fact I was approved by both insurance companies after the first letter (UHC, EPO and BCBS-GA, PPO). I am fortunate enough to be able to use both my insurance and my husband's insurance. I haven't figured out yet how I'm going to manage meds right before surgery and shortly thereafter, but I'm assuming that my surgeon will help come up with a solution. I'm sure I'm not the first bipolar patient he's worked with. :) Good Luck!!!
   — sunpine26

March 20, 2006
I had no problem getting approved for surgery. I take Lamictal, lexapro, lorazepam. The only day that I didnt take them is on the surgery day.
   — cheymax

March 21, 2006
I am 6 months post WLS and bi-polar. I take Lamictal, wellbutrin and trazadone. I have been stable with my meds for three years until last Friday. All of the sudden I felt myself "sinking" and "deconstructing" very quickly. IT FREAKED ME OUT. (as well as my husband, my children and everyone else in my family). Bottom line- stay in VERY CLOSE TOUCH with your med doc while losing weight. Your meds need to be very carefully monitored while you are losing weight. For me, the dosage I was taking at 235lbs is not the same dosage I need at 185lbs. It seems obvious but I thought I would point it out. Hope this helps-MB
   — mb

May 1, 2006
I suggest that anyone who has a diagnosed mental illness or who is on psychiatric meds, come right out, very first thing and ask the surgeon if he/she will accept you for surgery. The surgeon I was originally going to use refused to operate on anyone who was bipolar, regardless of how well they were doing. NO exceptions. This is something you need to know as soon as possible. The frustration and disappointment is awful. Good Luck to anyone else in this situation.
   — Shanon ..

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