Eating like it was my

I've been eating out alot and whatever I want like it was the last time I would have this or that. The nurse at my surgeon's office said I would probably have surgery in May if everything goes as planned. Anyone else going thru this, or did prior to surgery? Also, talking to my husband about the food issues, I was a little sad knowing that I wouldn't be eating like this, but then again I am relived that I won't be, I'm sure these are normal feelings, but I wanted to see if anyone else feels this way? Thanks-    — Dina M. (posted on March 23, 2002)

March 23, 2002
Enjoy your last supers but know in advance we post ops do eat and enjoy food. Most like me just eat in smaller quanties. I last suppered till I was sick of food. This week we ate out a lot. Had pizza last night, birthday party with chicken wings thursday. Ate out monday too. I really prefer to eat in its cheaper, but then we dont eat much anyway. Try not to gain much weight pre op it just makes surgery harder. See my profile. Eating less is WELL worth the 125 pounds I have lost....
   — bob-haller

March 23, 2002
I felt like I ate everything in sight during the last weeks before my surgery. Miraculously I managed to not gain any more weight, so maybe I left a few things for everyone else to take care of. LOL I think that is just normal. I'm 2.5 weeks post op and the only things I really miss right now is pizza and licorice (odd combo I know). But I keep telling myself that eventually I'll have them again, just not in the large quantities I did before. 22 lbs down makes the waiting well worth it too! Good luck!
   — Katy B.

March 23, 2002
before my surgery in early november 2001 i went nuts, i ate everything i thought i'd never get again, some told me this is called, "the last supper syndrome" and that fits.. but like others below at near 5 months some foods are coming back into my diet, i miss pizza, even a hot dog, but i have faith in time they will be returned to me also, i can handle eating one piece of pizza, or one hot dog.. and going from 425# to 295# has saved my life, i can't wait to see 200#..good luck...
   — bruce M.

March 23, 2002
I was pleasantly surprised that I don't miss eating large amounts of food post op (most of the time). There has only been around three times that I really wish I could have ate more. You know the times you are somewhere when they are serving something really special. Garrrr. But it doe'snt happen to often. But I can eat anything I want. I can only eat a tiny portion of bread products.. I greatly miss that. And most of the time I can't eat chicken (mayonase and tarter sause taste bad now). But I can live without them. At least I can eat beef jerky and beef products. I'd be one unhappy pappy if I could'nt have my beef. (I would have a "beef" with that). ;) lol!
   — Danmark

March 23, 2002
I'm 2 weeks away from surgery and I totally understand how you feel. Even though logically I know I will be able to eat this food again, just not in the quantities I'm used to, but emotionally it's difficult to not feel this way. I've been eating constantly and feeling sad, like you, that I won't ever get to eat this food again. I think it's all about perspective. Don't feel like you're giving it up forever, which I know is easier said than done, but instead approach it as I'm doing something good for myself. That food will always be there, and who knows, maybe when you get to the point you can eat that kind of food again, you won't want to. Imagine that!!! Good luck and God bless!
   — Christine L.

March 23, 2002
Hi Dina. I understand what you're saying. I'm 3 months post-op and, for the last 2 weeks before surgery, I treated eating like a new Olympic sport that I was in training for! Now, I can pretty much eat anything I want (except sweets) but in smaller quantities. Bread, pasta and rice don't sit real well if I eat more than a tsp. or two of them so I just chose not to eat them. This surgery is NOT an end to enjoyable eating. It's simply a change in the way we eat. We're eating healthier and we're eating less. That's all. I used to laugh (and still do, to be quite honest) at those waif-like girls who thought it was so sexy to eat off their man's plate instead of eat their own meal. You KNOW they had to be hungry but that's what they did to keep their thin body looking that way. Well, now I do the same thing I used to laugh at them for doing. But I'm not at ALL hungry when I'm done. :)
   — Pam S.

March 23, 2002
I had 2 months till my surgery and the last month was one "Last Supper" after another lol I went out with every friend I could think of, each time calling it my "Last Supper" Much laughter was had by all (and indigestion) I am now 4 weeks post op and do not regret the last suppers. As I progress I find thankfulness that such small quanities satisfy me. Occassionally I feel a little left out but the benifits outweigh the negatives. The best part of non indulgence post op is that what I do eat is highly more tasteful (or distasteful) lol Enjoy whatever stage you are in life, you only live once.
   — Brenda F.

March 23, 2002
I had about a month full of last suppers!! LOL I think we all do. I had my last visit with my surgeon 17 days before my surgery. The weight he shows at that last visit and the weight the hospital shows on the day of surgery is 16 pounds MORE!! That just shows how many last suppers you can have!!! After having the surgery I had NO desire for food for the first couple of months Now I can eat anything I want. I just dont eat as much of it. You WILL be able to eat all the kind of foods your eating now, just not as much.
   — Patty H.

March 23, 2002
I had to make my surgery date in November due to work scheduling and I actually could have had it in late August, early September. So between then and November 2nd, (last year) I gained almost 20 lbs. having "last suppers". I mean I pigged out. Turns out I only hurt myself as my surgeon at the post op appt. said the last 20-30 lbs are going to be the hardest to lose. So if only I hadn't done that to myself in the first place, I would be 20 lbs. closer to goal right now. But I also think it's normal. We just have to get those last meals in. But don't be too hard on yourself, cause it's weight that you're going to want to lose. Remember that. Best wishes to you.
   — Annie H.

March 23, 2002
I ate my favorite everythings for about a month (amazingly I only gained a pound!)- I had this idea that I'd never eat real food again, and I was okay with that. I think I was being a little melo-dramatic. Since surgery, I have been able to eat pretty much any kind of food I wanted- just not large amounts. I have only had spagetti once in the last 2.5 months where it used to be a staple in my diet for example. I do not feel sad about the foods I can eat now- I actually ENJOY every bite more. And that occational bite of a friends dessert is like HEAVEN! It's like I don't get to put much in my mouth, but the things I do- I enjoy. So, you can do your last suppering, but it really isn't. You'll probably be able to have things you like afterwards too. Good luck with your journey!!
   — Angela B.

March 23, 2002
Hi Dina: A week before my surgery I was eating so much that I threw up twice in one day at work. How Sad HUH ???? Now I just throw up if I eat my "small amounts" too fast. I sure don't do that very feels TERRIBLE!!!! 7 1/2 mos post op and down #122... I think we all go through the OMG I will never be able to eat again so I better eat all the food in the world NOW....Good luck on your surgery..what you're going through now is COMPLETELY NORMAL....
   — Joi G.

March 23, 2002
I was suppose to have surgery in Feb but it got postponed due to some abnomal testing and every since then I've been eating whatever I can get my hands on ( I thinks its my nerves)hopefully I will be having surgery soon because I can't keep eating like this.
   — Samitra D J.

March 25, 2002
Hey, if I have no better advice for you, then listen to this. Please pray that God will let you see this as a blessing. I was exactly like you. I was already mourning food before the surgery. I was sad that it would be such a change for me. I didn't pay too much attention to the fact that I might go through a depression. It doesn't mean that I didn't want the surgery, I just didn't want to lose my best buddy. I got so depressed after the surgery. I started going back to church and got on Zoloft. God helped me through the depression and gave me the wisdom to seek help. I could not do it on my own. I had to trust in God to deliver me. He has blessed me so much since, that I can not discuss this issue without mentioning Him. I now thank him for this opportunity and have dedicated myself to helping others know how He helped me. Yes, the Zoloft calmed my depression, but I never would have gone for the help if my mind hadn't cleared. I wasn't crazy, I just missed getting comfort and happiness from my food. My intention is not to push God in anyone's face, but to give someone a direction to go in if they truelly want or need help. Not just in weight loss but in financial, marriage, alcohol, or any other addictions we depend on. We can depend on God. He will never fail or hurt us.
   — Stephanie N.

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