DENIED by bariatrics...Ambien

has any one out here ever been denied by the bariatric weight loss center after the screening process because of ambien sleeping issues ? I have everything that would qualify me with them and with the insurance company but was denied for what i will quote almost word for word: i need to start seeing a psych again and that the sleeping issues are not due to my weight there fore i do not qualify...ok, heres the the scoop on the psych thing, i have bpd and for those of you who dont know what this is: borderline personality disorder. Diagnosed when i was 21 but not had any issues with it , and i take meds for it but why would i be told no before i even had the chance to talk to a bariatric's psych? I can see if the bari psych was telling me no. ok so i havent seen one in a few years but thats because my insurance only pays for 6 months of treatment and by the time the psych and i would even get any where they were shoving me out the door and giving me a new quack and i would have to start all over again. Honestly, if i can get along all these years without them why now? So the main thing about me is that my brain is always ( on ) and in extremely fast i cried when the lady called me and told me its a no go, you know what? I AM more determined now than ever to finish this...i will have this weight loss surgery and i will not keep letting these people LABEL me and try to hide me! Where one door closes, another will open! So my question here is : has any one been denied because of (psych) issues and what happened? I honestly think that the ambien thing was just a cover. Theres tons of people out here taking the stuff, i just take it to quiet my brain long enough to fall asleep.    — candy L. (posted on February 22, 2008)

February 22, 2008
Hi, I have not been denied myself, but after having surgery, I did go through a number of pschological problems. Something more than just weight loss happens. They are foreseeing a problem that you cannot. You should do some investigative work to find out what is underlying. I'm sure that it is frustrating and really sorry to hear that. Best of luck to you.
   — bariatricdivalatina

February 22, 2008
Sounds like this center has had previous issues with someone with your same disorder. They'd rather not deal with it. I'd suggest trying another center, who may be more willing to deal with our.
   — Dave Chambers

February 22, 2008
You are in my prayers. What you're going through is tough...I have no idea what Ambien has to do with anything...I am proud of you...keep going on. When God closes a door, he opens another. Perhaps, this center isn't for you. If you feel WLS is for you--don't quit--Pray about it--and keep on' keepin on. We've all taken things to sleep. If necessary try an all natural sleep aid--melatonin. Please keep me posted. You are in my prayers.
   — Ambitious

February 22, 2008
Hello, I am so sorry ur going throw this. I too had to fight and fight hard to get cigna to appove my gastric bypass. I take ambien too. Cigna would use anything like your weight was not taken for 6 month so I would send proof then it was no vitals so I would prove it. I will tell you to fight. I was give denied 4 times and then finely a YES it took almost a month. My Doctor even told then I would die without it. Just don't give up ull get a yes sooner or later. Good luck best wishes
   — aluvzu2

February 22, 2008
I took/take Trazodone to assist with my sleep. I have a very long history of depression and took/take meds for that, before/after surgery. I do also tend to agree with Maria, this surgery can/will/might open up a whole new "world" of issues for you. It did with me. But if you are determined to have this surgery there ARE "centers" out there that will do surgery, even if the psych doing my pre-surgery eval thought I wouldn't be very sucessful at the weight loss. So far I am doing "great" at that, I am stubborn enough to PROVE him wrong, but it has also opened up that "other" world of crap for me. But I AM working on THAT also, and to be honest, with or without the surgery, all that crap was still "neatly" tucked away....... You CAN do it, it may be a struggle at times, but stay strong. I wish you the best of luck!
   — Toni Todd

February 22, 2008
I have never been depressed for a single day until after I had WLS. I started to cry just watching movies. I found my mood swings were wild, so I talked to my surgeon and he suggested that I talk to my family doctor and told me to have him call him. When they talked, I guess that he said it is not uncommon for women to have mood swings durning rapid weight loss, but I was the first male he had to have this issue. The put me on Lexapro and I am fine, but when I ran out the mood swings came back fast. Since I am off of 8 other drugs, I do mind this one to keep me stable. I have always had a busy mind so when I go tobed, If I don't have something to relax me, I stay awak for hours and ofter return to my office to work all night. My doctors know this and it was never an issue for my surgery, I took it before and I still take it. Find another doctor and hospital. Don't mention that you are taking a sleeping drug, just stop it when you are in the hospital because you will sleep with the paid meds they give you. Figth for this surger because I never felt better my entire life. I work out at the gym for 1-1/2 hopur every day which I had to work up to, but I should have had WLS years ago. Best of luch to you!
   — William (Bill) wmil

February 22, 2008
best thing to do is find another doctor that understands your problem and they would work with you and help you get your surgery
   — Sheba

February 22, 2008
Hi Candy, First let me say I have been working for a YEAR to get everything in proper order for my surgery to be done. My Dr. is just going to request it from the INS.[Staywell] What I have learned from this is you have to find the Dr. that is behind you for the surgery. My wonderful surgeon and his staff gave me the list of people to go to for ALL the evaluations I needed. In my case they were not all close to I on the other hand made MANY calls to see what Dr.s in my area AGREED with the surgery. WHICH IS VERY IMPORTANT.Of course we all have issues to deal with ...such is life! So, deal with them and get the things in order. Give it your best and what you need WILL happen. I will keep you in my prayers, Just never forget YOU are your best ADVOCATE!
   — tootsie52

February 23, 2008
Hi, I have been treated for MANY years, for panic attacks, with depression type meds, as well as Ambien. There has never, ever been a problem. Both my regular psych as well as the bariatric psych knows and knew I take it. No problem. Good Luck with your fight! Ronda
   — Jasnsma

February 23, 2008
i was on ambien before my surgery and still am!! i don't have any psych. history and the fact that i take ambien was never a problem as far as insurance is concerned. it sounds to me like they are giving you the "run around" and you should keep pursuing the issue to get to the bottom of things. you have to have a psych eval prior to surgery and if they approve you- it should be fine. good luck, Holly
   — RNlvnCARSON

February 23, 2008
Most do not want to deal with the depression because you could and will get more depressed after surgery. We had someone kill themselves because they could not handle it at all so they will not do anyone now unless they have been monitored strickly and be continued to be monitored. It is a safety issue and is in your best interest.
   — tl_morgan

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