I'm on the cover of a cook book!!!

I just had to share my exciting news with everyone! i'm on the cover of a nationally published cookbook for bariatric patients that my surgeon wrote!!!    — cedsangel (posted on May 16, 2006)

May 16, 2006
Congratulations Kay! That is awesome. I checked out the cover, it is really cool. You should be very happy and honored! Jean
   — Jean N.

May 16, 2006
Wonderful news! The surgery changes your life in more ways than one. Now you're famous too ;-)
   — Sandy~Diamond

May 17, 2006
Hi Kay! Oh, how cute are you? I am so proud of you for all your success, the first of many positive life changes, I am sure. Keep up the good attitude, and know you are looking svelt, and adding years to your life. You will undoubtedly be a positive role-model for many! Good job!
   — pjwilsen

May 17, 2006
Kay, That is fantastic. What a wonderful way to spread the word about our needs for bariatric cooking and eating. ~Karyn~
   — Karyn K.

May 17, 2006
You go girl!!!! That is awesome Kay... you must be so proud!!! And, Good Luck with your upcoming surgery... I would be so thrilled too... Keep us posted!!! Godspeed, GypsyKare
   — GypsyWoman

May 17, 2006
I am the friend of a celebrity! How awesom is that Kay! First a cookbook then Victorias Secrete after your plastics next week! Hugs~! Jen
   — ~Suga~ Bootie~

May 17, 2006
Kay, funny you should announce this, I wasjust in Dr Einspaniers office saying hello, and I saw it!!! Congrats my dear!
   — PhyllisM

May 19, 2006
You are an excptional gal...tell me what it feels like to be FIT? I want so much success to remain in the present... Never fall short of all your DREAMS... Get all you deserve in life then some more!!! Celeste I know what it feels like too...check out my before and afters! From 327 to 125...Now a figure gal, a personal trainer and motivational go getter!
   — shakeyourweight

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