6 days post op...PAIN!

Hi, I am 6 days post op and am having lots of pain on my left burning. It is making it hard to move around. Any suggestions? Amanda    — amanda_g (posted on March 16, 2009)

March 15, 2009
I am still pre-op but I have read this same question several times. The surgery veteran consensus seems to be that the left side (if yours was laproscopic surgery) gets the larger sized instrument that is manipulated more than the others during surgery. However, it's best to call your surgeon & let them know what you're feeling. Better to confirm it's just healing pain than to have something more serious. Good luck to you on your journey & as they also say to the new patients: sip, sip, sip to stay hydrated.
   — Arkin10

March 16, 2009
This seems to be a very common problem and we do see this question a lot. The previous author was right- your left side is where most of the work was done and the larger instruments were inserted for your surgery. This pain can last for a few days up to a few weeks. Best thing is to be very careful when moving around- change positions slowly and don't do the things that cause the most pain. Lots of rest and taking it easy will help to heal as well. Be sure to do your gentle walking and coughing and deep breathing exercises though. I see you are 6 days out, should be about time for your one week follow up so be sure to mention it to your doc when you see him- they are always the best source anyway so a call to check in might not be a bad idea as well. Best of luck, Dawn Vickers, RN, BLC, CLC
   — DawnVic

March 16, 2009
You should call your Dr.know matter what, but I am 6 weeks post-op and the first couple of weeks after surgery my left side hurt much more than I expected, it will go away. I remember reading about everything but I was caught off guard a little bit by the pain. it will pass .Good luck and congrats. Stacie:0)
   — sse032568

March 16, 2009
Hi, I'm 5 weeks post op RNY. The nurses in the hospital recommended a heating pad for the pain. They used one on me while I was there and continued at home. It helped me. If you're still on pain meds don't be afraid to take them. If not Tylenol is ok. Hope you're feeling better quickly!
   — jeannefitz

March 18, 2009
I would 1st report the pain to my surgeon, follow his instructions & take what ever pain prescription i was sent home w/ see if it helps
   — Melissa C.

March 19, 2009
Please check with your surgeon. I was 2 weeks out when they found my leak. Pain in left back area and had trouble walking. Not trying to worry you and I know that they say it is only a 1% chance...but since I was part of the 1% I would rather you have it checked out.
   — moore37042

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