I'm three days away from open rny and it feels like I'm catching a cold.

Should I call my surgeon about this?    — origamistar (posted on March 8, 2009)

March 8, 2009
If you're actually suffering with symptoms then yes, absolutely give your surgeon a call so he has a head's up, especially is you start running a fever. If you're not having symptoms yet and only *think* you're coming down with something then I would say hold off and see how you're feeling in another day or so. Every surgeon is different with how they'll proceed. Some will only cancel the surgery if you have a fever, others will cancel for the slightest sniffle but regardless, the surgeon needs to know...Good luck!
   — [Deactivated Member]

March 8, 2009
Prior to my surgery I felt like I may have been getting a cold and I took vitamin C drops and was fine. Good luck.
   — runningagain

March 8, 2009
Take a lot of vit.C ~ Good Luck.
   — samvt

March 9, 2009
I also have a slight cold! My surgery is in 3 days too. I hope that it will go ahead becaus I just want to get it over with!
   — Renee B.

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