I had lap band on 8/21 and I've had two fills I am at 5.5 cc

at the time of surgery I was given 4 cc then on the first fill given 1cc and the second fill .5 cc my question is since I had my second fill I notice when I eat I am constantly getting a feeling like there is something stuck in my throat sorta like a golf ball if I can imagine :) I was wondering if anyone may know what this feeling is like and possibly where it is coming from?    — toangela (posted on December 2, 2008)

December 2, 2008
I wasn't given a fill at the time of surgery so I don't know if my answer is helpful, but it seems like you're eating too much at once. I don't typically get that feeling in my throat, however I do get it in my chest area causing a heavy, very uncomfortable feeling from time to time. I wasn't given a fill until something like 3 mos post. Hope this helps. ~Kir
   — Kitty C

December 2, 2008
I am shocked that your physician gave you that much right after surgery!! I didn't get my first fill until I was 2 months out. I sometimes get that same feeling in my throat. I have eaten something that didn't agree with me. I will sometimes have to stick my finger down my throat and then throw up what was blocking my ability to swallow. Susan G.
   — susangielda06

December 2, 2008
You might have too much fluid in your band. You should contact your doctor ASAP. You may need some fluid to be removed. Hope you feel better soon. Lakia
   — lakia1908

December 3, 2008
That feeling is from eating too much. It took me a long time to figure that out. You need to eat no more than 1 cup of food at each meal (some people can eat 1 1/2 c.). When you feel that feeling, it is the food in your esophagus - where it doesn't belong. It should be only in the pouch. So, take teeny, tiny bites, chew thoroughly and make sure you eat slowly and in small measured amounts. You should NOT have that feeling. You are risking stretching your pouch and your esophagus - which could lead to the need for a total unfill for a long time.
   — Judy A.

December 3, 2008
Most likely what you are feeling is related to the band. There is a valve at the bottom of the stomach--the pylorus--that controls how quickly food passes from the stomach to the intestine. The band is basically an artificial pylorus... it controls how quickly food empties from the top part of the stomach (the pouch) to the bottom of the stomach. The fill you had made the valve smaller so it takes longer for the pouch to empty. The pouch/stomach is connected to the esophagus... if the pouch is full, food doesn't have anywhere to go, it starts to back up and you end up with the golf-ball-stuck-in-your-throat feeling. Chewing your food really, really, really well and reducing the volume of food you are eating might help (smaller, more frequent meals). If you are having this feeling all the time, when you drink liquids, and/or you start to feel it after your first bite of food, you may need to have some of fluid removed from the band. I would suggest calling the surgeon to let him/her know what is going on. Good luck! :)
   — mrsidknee

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