I have been told!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have been told that after rny your hormones go crazy.... Does that also effect your sex drive for better or worse....    — alicia128 (posted on September 23, 2008)

September 23, 2008
From the 3 support meetings I attend: women generally state their sex drive is somewhat increased (varies with person), and the more problematic issue is that is is VERY EASY to get pregnant the first few months post op. My surgeon recommends using 2 forms of birth control for the first 2 years as a post op to prevent pregnancy. Dave
   — Dave Chambers

September 23, 2008
1st - yes...your hormones go crazy after surgery as your hormones are stored in your fat cells. So when you lose a bunch of weight rapidly - they are released back into your system - floating around - making you crazy for a few weeks to a month. 2nd - It affected me with insomnia for about a month and I felt like I was PMS'ing for a month - but severe PMS - very emotional - but I knew what it was and that made it easier some how. 3rd - because your hormones are floating around - you chances of getting pregnant increase by like 40% or some crazy take extra precautions just in case. 4th - my sex drive was next to nothing before surgery and I never really got more. I think I peaked while in my 20's and early 30's. Good luck.
   — jammerz

September 23, 2008
I know my husbands sex drive went up as I got thinner. He won't leave me alone. I think that alone makes me feel sexier and therefore more interested in sex...Plus the attention I get from the opposite sex...again, the more I feel sexy. I don't notice the attention unless they are just blatant...but my husband is always saying things like"That's mine, get one of your own!" and I am oblivious to it. I think he gets more excited over this than I it definitely made a difference in our bedroom and dinning table... kitchen counters and.... oh I'm sorry wrong board! .... Just kidding!
   — .Anita R.

September 23, 2008
I had rny in June 08 andmy sex drive has increased a little. Problem I have is I'm cold too. The support group says that it will be about two years of this. Try cudle dudes or at walmart they have underclothes that are like long johns but nicer not as thick up just as warm. Sandi
   — sandikellerrn

September 24, 2008
Mine had increased!!!!
   — pattschiele

September 24, 2008
I know that a lot of people have crazy hormone issues, but I didn't really notice anything just after surgery. I know I PMS each month a little worse than I used to, but that's it... As for sex drive, I was always so tired at the end of the day, I had no interest. Now I have energy and then some, so my husband s more than happy to help me ''burn it off''....Good Luck!!!
   — andrealej

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