Whey protein

My husband drinks a whey protein drink to gain muscle. Would this be okay to drink after I have my surgery or is there another kind I should drink? Think you in advance for any answers.    — trinity1803 (posted on April 13, 2008)

April 13, 2008
I drank the EAS Whey Protein for my pre-op diet and was fine, but tried to drink the EAS Whey Protein for post op and it didn't agree with me and was told to drink the Sugar Free Carnation Instant Breakfast in its place.
   — Karen M.

April 13, 2008
I had trouble with Sugar in most of the over the counter protien drinks, so I went o oemade for bariactric patients, They have lots of flavors and sell one drink samples. Love it with skim milk.
   — William (Bill) wmil

April 13, 2008
You have to look at the label. How much protein does it give you? Also, be VERY CAREFUL OF THE AMOUNT OF SUGARS AND CARBS. Some of the whey protein supplements are very high in these. You should check with your nutritionist to see how much protein each shake should have for you. Mine said 20 gms at least, total of 60 gm of protein per day. Good Luck!
   — Shirley D.

April 13, 2008
I am using Unjury. It taste very good. You have to be careful about the sugar content in most protein drinks. Unjury uses stevia. They taste very good, lots of flavors and recipes.
   — dyates2948

April 13, 2008
I have been drinking whey and do fine with it
   — ELAINE44

April 13, 2008
Whey Protein is great. I use it and also use the Atkins shake just make sure you check the sugar content. I use chocolate whey protien powder and mix it with skim milk because with water it's nasty.
   — lalabear110

April 13, 2008
My Dr. suggests Whey protein because your body absorbs it better. We got Whey Gold Standard from GNC. The sugar is low and the chocolate tastes just like Chocolate milk. I've been drinking it for a year and it is great.
   — Claudia C.

April 13, 2008
Whey protein is the best to use. Read the labels, as some body building whey's are high in calories and carbs too.
   — Dave Chambers

April 13, 2008
Just check the carbs and calories; it may be high as are many of the ones used for bodybuilding. You need a high protein, low calorie shake that will fit easily into your day (not replace meals, but used inbetween meals to supplement your protein). You should look for a high quality shake that is around 150 calories or less, so that your overall intake of protein is near 80-90 depending on your doctor's orders but still low enough to keep the calories down. Blessings.....
   — Kathy T.

April 13, 2008
Whey is the best if you can tolerate it after surgery...Look for proteins that are low carb, low sugar. Try to find a protein that doesn't have added vitamins (you need vitamins separate from your protein for maximum absorption of both the protein and the vitamins) Make certain that the protein you pick does have at the very least 13 (and best 20-21) amino acids to make a complete protein. Any protein you can find that has at least 13 amino acids will be fine for a protein drink. These aminos are important!
   — .Anita R.

April 14, 2008
The poster above is correct that the amino acid profile of the protein is very important. There are 20 amino acids in the human body, and 9 of them are called essential or indispensable. We call them EAAs for short. The 9 EAAs are what you need the most. You need two things: 1) you need enough of the 9 EAAs in total 2) you need the EAAs in certain proportions...kind of like in a recipe. If you were baking a cake, and flour is one of the "essential" ingredients, then you definitely need flour. But no matter how much flour you have, that isn't enough. You need other ingredients...egg, etc... also. When a protein has enough of ALL of the 9 EAAs, then it is "complete" protein, and it gets a PDCAAS protein score of 100. Some companies with inferior quality proteins will tell you that their protein is complete if it has even a tiny amount of all 9 EAAs. But clearly that doesn't fit with common sense. If you had one molecule of 8 of the 9, and a truckload of the 9th, that is basically incomplete protein. The "liquid" proteins that use mostly hydrolyzed collagen often have low PDCAAS scores. Kind regards Jerome UNJURY (R) Protein

April 14, 2008
Whey protien is fine, that is what my surgeon said I can take.
   — redlilies

April 28, 2008
in my note book of papers and everything I got the whey protein drink is one of the drinks and I myself am drinking them now and my surgery still has not been scheduled , still going through the process monthes and mohtes but due to my medical condition I can not exercise alot and they suggested I get the whey protein drinks and do them now .
   — therealfroglady

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