2 weeks post-op and stomach feel funny,nausea all the time. Started pureed yesterday

I'm 2 weeks post-op and as of yesterday just started pureed foods. Before on liquids I felt alot of nausea and now that I can eat my stomach still feels a little funny and I get nausea. My Dr gave me a RX yesterday for the nausea so I need to get that filled. I was wondering am I the only one whose stomach feels funny all the time???    — Kanesha_Chante (posted on March 27, 2008)

March 27, 2008
I am 5 weeks lap RNY and one of the lucky ones. I have felt great right out of surgery. I have had no nausea or funny feeling in my pouch.
   — rosheet

March 27, 2008
Hi, Kanesha. I believe it is really common to feel nauseous for a while after WLS. Most people do. Mine passed within about 3-5 weeks. It just stopped happening quite as often and then mostly went away. I am not used to being nauseous on a regular basis like that, so it got "old" real quickly. I was finally able to figure out that the S/F Carnation Inst. Breakfast with milk and protein powder was making the nausea worse and my bariatric center staff recommended either a mixture of milk and water (instead of all milk) or just all water. That helped so much. dana
   — jujuprof

March 27, 2008
I had a tought first 6 weeks. I took medication they give for ulcers as I guess the rawness inside really got to me. I feel great now, and I can eat much more than I really want to. It is a lot harder to stick only the right things in my mouth now that I feel better. I use to get the drive heaves too. I could get the heaves with just a pill and some water. Hang in there is is well worth it for the sake of your health. I am off 90% of the drugs I took 3 months ago.
   — William (Bill) wmil

March 27, 2008
I'm almost 5 months out and still have this happen sometimes. I call it "Cranky Pouch".
   — Shirley D.

March 27, 2008
It goes away...I rarely dumped at all...but I did have minor aches and pains that were very annoying on and off for a several months...
   — .Anita R.

March 27, 2008
I use to get it right after eating. I would have to lie down for about 1/2 hour for it to go away. This continued for about 6 weeks. Thank God when I went back to work it wasn't as bad. I still get it once in awhile not very often. Depends if I eat to fast.
   — niecie54

March 27, 2008
I am just about 2 weeks post op Lab Band surgery and my stomach feels that way too ONLY when I eat too fast. I take smaller sips and my stomach does "rumble" but I think its only the food going through the funnel type thing to slip through the band. Try eating slower to see if your stomach still feels that way. It worked for me. Karen
   — Karen M.

March 28, 2008
I just had lapband March 24, and I am still having nausea all the time. When does this go away? and does anyone know what is causing it? Its sure not food ! I am on liquids. Any answers ?
   — marilynk

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