Back pain

I have had sever back pain every since i woke up from surgery 3 days ago. Doc acts like this is unusual. anyone experience this or have suggestions?    — LCrawley (posted on June 9, 2007)

June 9, 2007
Before - During and After. The high protein diet and the mass peeing put my kidneys into a tail spin - lower back pain! ALWAYS check with your surgeon or go to emergency to make sure - better safe than sorry - always. But YES....I had THE WORST pain ever!!
   — jammerz

June 9, 2007
I also had a lot of pain in my back until I got the drain port out then it left up.
   — Alvernlaw

June 10, 2007
I didn't start having lower back pain until about 2 weeks ago. What the first poster said made sense. About the high protein diet doing something to kidneys...And tylenol wasn't taking the pain last yesterday afternoon I tried something...I drank about 32 ounces of bottled water in a couple hours...and sure enough, my back pain went away, and none this morning. So from now on, I'm going to have just plain ol water before bedtime to "cleanse" my kidneys of the protein. Good luck!
   — crystalsno

June 10, 2007
I just had surgury on June 7th and i feel like I'm dying my back is also killing me!!!!!
   — kate D.

June 10, 2007
HI-- When they do this surgery-- they fill your body with gas so the doc has room to do the surgery-- this gas takes several days to pass-- and until it does it is probable that you have pain in your back, shoulders etc--- watch it tho-- you don't want to let it go for too long... Good luck
   — tynkris

June 11, 2007
I had sever back pain on my left side after surgery for one month. My doctor said thats where he was inside and did most of the work at. After a month it went away. Try using a heating pad. That helped alot with me. Take care.
   — barfiep01

June 11, 2007
after surgry you always get back pain and it not because of the type of surgry, from what me and everyone in my family have notcie its becasue of the bed they lay you in. After i had my son, (c-section) my back was a reck for weeks. I dont think it has anything to do with your diet, just the surgry itself. hope this helps. mary
   — marygriego

June 11, 2007
I woke up with pain in my middle back and the doctor acted like it was unusual but I still get it especially if I have over eaten and have that very full feeling where I feel like it is going to come back up which it usually does. Someone told me that my pouch is probably pushing on a nerve in my back???
   — tdickson

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