laid off from job 2/4/03. dr sent in papers on 2/2/03 no answer yet

i was laid off from my job and until now i havent heared from my ins company, i know i have to go on cobra but my question is do i have to start all over again when the cobra kicks in? PLEASE HELP    — MAHALA J. (posted on February 28, 2003)

February 28, 2003
COBRA is an acronym for a federal law that says that if you are laid off, your employer has to let you remain as part of the groups insurance you were in before the layoff. It's not separate insurance, just the same policy you've always had. You will probably have to pay the whole premium because the law does not require that your former employer pay, but they do have to let you stay in the group. No one at your doctor's office or hospital will even know that you have COBRA. Here's a website for it if you want more information.
   — garw

February 28, 2003
No, you do not have to start all over again. But you MUST pay those premiums to continue your coverage. I would be curious about the timing of your lay-off...did the employer know you were going to have surgery?
   — merri B.

February 28, 2003
Gar is right, you will remain a client of your former employer's insurance. You must pay the premiums, which can be expensive. Under the HIPPA rules ( another government acronym), if you have been paying the premiums on the COBRA health insurance, you are eligible for coverage on your new employers insurance from day one. I don't know how hard it will be for you to find new employment, but it may be something to keep in mind while you ponder whether to pay those premiums. Good Luck!
   — Eileen M.

February 28, 2003
I just wanted to put my 2 cent worth in....don't sit back and wait for the ins comp. Once you pay you first premium if you opt for Cobra-call and make sure the ins comp still has you as eligible. I see that happen too often to count. Every 3-4 days I'd call the authorization dept get name, phone number and ext of the person you spoke to and the referral or auth # if there is one and stay on top of them. Remember, the squeeky wheel gets the oil! and the sooner you get the surgery the fewer premiums you'll have to pay.
   — Robin J.

February 28, 2003
hi the same thing happen to me they knew i was going to have the surgery and i got laid off i still think it had something to do with them knowing but oh well thats over with now. i went on cobra yes it is expensive but my surgery was already approved so i stayed on cobra and had my surgery may 3 2002 and everything was fine with the insurance so if i was you and if you really want this surgery i would go on cobra.

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