is any one pre op and eating everything in the house?

i have gained 10 pounds just in 8 days!! im out of control!! im i just nervous? or is it that i just dont care because im having the surgurey (hopefully!) i feel terrible!!!maybe its nerves if i would get my approvel i would probley fell better.what do you think?    — Jenny L. (posted on February 22, 2003)

February 22, 2003
Eat and enjoy. I ate so much right before surgery I was sick of food. I remember worrying so much about what I would never be able to eat again. My last food was a chocolate chip cookie on bowell prep day. It didnt stay with me very long:)
   — bob-haller

February 22, 2003
Yep, I'm there... I am trying to say "goodbye" to a few foods along the way (donuts, french fries, sausage mcmuffins)... these are old friends... :)
   — Tim W.

February 22, 2003
Hi there, I am pre-op as well and was eating things I thought I wouldnt have for a long time until I met with my nutritionist yesterday. She told me that the Dr. has told her that people that over eat or dont lose a few lbs before surgery - have extremely fatty-larger than normal livers and its very hard for the Dr to see around it and it becomes harder to work around (during surgery). I guess this is one of the reasons some Dr's require a diet before the surgery.. Just thought I would share this information . Hope this helps you, I know I will start to watch myself a LITTLE---
   — [Deactivated Member]

February 22, 2003
I feel the same way. I'm enjoying everything I can. It's the first time in my life where I can eat and not feel guilty about it. Enjoy and Good Luck!!
   — Heidi L.

February 22, 2003
Boy Howdy, can I ever relate. My big thing is eating red meat (steak, prime rib) which is so bad for my chloresteral. I'm eating more chips and sweets than before I started looking into WLS. And the really sad part is I feel like crap when I'm done.
   — TLLessor

February 22, 2003
Holy cow can I relate! I got my date in december, and since then it's been a non stop chow fest. As of today I have excatly one month till surgery, and I'm feeling mixed as to wether I should "get this under control" or "let loose and have at it." I have been better about working out, my parents keep telling me how much easier it will make my recovery, but with all of this 'good bye to food' coupled with quiting smoking on Jan. 1 (YEAH ME!!!), I've still gained seven-ten pounds. It's my goal to go into surgery at the same weight I was on my consultation day, or, if possible, 5 pounds lighter. So here's my plan; I'm going to keep working out like crazy, and for the next two weeks I'm going to eat what I want. Then for the last two weeks I'm going to go on Atkins to loose that 7 or so pounds and shrink up my liver, then I'll have the day two days before surgery with all my friends at the beach and have a huge party and eat what I want that day. Hmmmm, does it sound like I've thought about this much??? Ohwell, 30 days till surgery and counting!
   — Eryn G.

February 22, 2003
I think many of us have been there. Before my surgery I ate what seemed like everything in the house. About a week before, I couldn't stop with the Heavenly Hash ice cream and chocolate, chocolate, chocolate! I feared I would never be able to eat chocolate again. I am now 3 1/2 weeks post op, down 35 pounds, and ate a Hershey's kiss. It was so satisfying and didn't make me dump. You can eat until you get sick of food, but on my last day of "real food" I ate a big 'ol steak and it was delicious! Good luck to you on your journey.
   — Jean S.

February 22, 2003
Oh wow, glad to know it's not just me!!! Since deciding to have WLS, My always out of control eating has become a train wreck!!! I went up TWO sizes! After my first meeting with the surgeon I worked on it, and was able to lose 10 lbs in a month... but then I started thinking "sure, that's great, my clothes fit... but do I really want to spend all the time until my surgery dieting??? SOOOOOO.... I am back to eating... just ate half a bag of chocolate! Not that I'm proud of it. I proved to myself that I could get things somewhat under control if I put my mind to it... but I just want to enjoy food for a while!!! So, as long as I don't get too big for my clothes again... I'm eating what ever I feel like!!!
   — Kelly B.

February 22, 2003
Oh Baby, I'm there with you!! NOthing is safe!! I think maybe it is nerves. You don't say when your surgery will be, but I'm hoping for your sake that it's not too far off. Hang in there. This too will pass. Good luck on getting your approval and surgery. See ya on the losing side.
   — Melinda L.

February 22, 2003
Oh YES!!! I seem to want something in my mouth all the time! It's almost as I feel compelled to empty my pantry and my freezer....and I don't even have a surgery date yet or know if my insurance will be approved!!! I know I have to face reality, but living in the land of OZ is more soothing.
   — Debbie B.

February 22, 2003
I am right there with you...I'm not happy when I look in the mirror at my bloated face from all the fast food and junk I'm putting in mouth. I BELIEVE IN MY HEART THAT WE THINK WE WILL NEVER EAT AGAIN AND THIS IS WHY WE ARE EATING LIKE THIS. For me its that way, because normally I don't have an issue with food (I don't eat a lot just the wrong foods). But the other night I got Micky D's and then drove the Krispy Creme drive thru. Isn't that terrible?
   — barbsbasic

February 22, 2003
OMG!!! I can't believe how many people posted an answer to this question!!! I am also binge eating. The first month after I decided to have the surgery I started kicking the diet coke...I'm down to one a day. I'm doing really good during the day until dinner!!! Then I'm eating double what I normally do! My mom lives with me and is the best cook. I guess maybe I think I'll miss out on something. Good luck to all!! mk
   — Michelle K.

February 22, 2003
I am 3 1/2 months post op with a 65 pound loss but when i found out I was going to have the surgery I went wild for 3 months, and I mean wild I went off diet coke and onto regular, if I wanted something i ate it plus, course I gained 15 or more pounds but I didnt care I knew it would come off. but if I had it to do over again I would have been more careful because if I had lost the same 65 pounds without gaining 15 i would be 190 instead of 206, gives you something to think about. the more we gain before is just that much more we have to take off. good luck and you'llll be great.
   — terri R.

February 22, 2003
Totally normal from everything I've read. I haven't even had my consult but the minute I decide to have WLS, I been a maniac about eating. Have mercy! I just hope we can hurry up and have surgery while we can still get in the door!
   — Deena L. Story

February 22, 2003
I'm certainly not the pre-op poster child. But I would have to say honestly NO I haven't been thinking "this is my last this or that." I have indulged in a few special meals, but nothing extravagant. I have given up carbonated beverages but I did buy 1 boxes of girl scout cookies that I'm enjoying at my own pace. I personally think it's a personal choice or how you decide to handle it. Best wishes to everyone
   — Heather S.

February 22, 2003
So far I've been able to resist the temptation pretty well. I've been on a 1200-calorie diet since starting this process in December, and have done quite well with it. No cravings etc. Part of it is that I've been doing much more exercise than I normally have done on the past while dieting.<p>Not knowing how many months it would be until the surgery sort of kept me in line, since I really felt I didn't want to "waste" 3 or 4 months until the surgery. Now that I have a date that is 52 days away, I have started to ease up a little bit on the diet. I haven't been bingeing at all, but I have had a little bit more of the diet stuff -- mainly I've just stopped counting each calorie and have tried to eat in response to hunger. I think if I were to start eating way too much it would make it harder (or it would be harder to motivate myself) to do the exercise, and I definitely want to make a lot more progress on that before the surgery.
   — Jim F

February 22, 2003
Jenny, its so nice to hear I am not the only one. I am 12 days away from my surgery date, and I have seen an increase in my food choices. I had vowed to loose the last 6 lbs before surgery- so I could begin at an even 300, but now I seem ok with just maintaining. I have said good-bye to some good old food friends this past week, and am having a difficult time trying to figure out what the "last supper" will be. Hang in there, keep reading here...don't beat yourself up when you make less than perfect choices. lap rny/3-7-03 5ft 6 in---306 lbs
   — Peg L

February 23, 2003
I am happy to see that I am not alone. After getting over a cold, I am starting to try out the protein samples that I purchased. I am also trying to begin the vitamin regimen that we will have to follow post-op. The weather here in Md has not heled as we have been shut in (with plenty of food) due to the snow. I can hardly wait to get away from the fridge. Since I received my date (3/19/03), chocolate never tasted so good. I am now working on a strict pre-op diet. Good luck.
   — Judy S.

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