1 month out and I my feet and hands are peeling..anyone ever had this?

   — dorna73 (posted on August 8, 2009)

August 8, 2009
Use a thicker lotion or use lotion plus drink plenty of water and take a vitman E pill it is good for your skin.
   — robosmith9034

August 9, 2009
sounds like you might not be getting in enough fluids..
   — callen3640

August 9, 2009
Yep Exact same thing happened to me, my forearms began to peel as well. First they told me it was a reaction to the Actigal they give you to prevent Gal Stones, then they said I was dehydrated, I put Hydracortizone all over 2% twice a day and it cleared up in about a week. I was drinking everything in site so I know it was the cream that worked.
   — inspirepotential

August 9, 2009
Yes, and believe it or not, the anesthesia that you were given for your surgery can do this. It should be out of your system in another month. Not to worry.
   — Bonnie H.

August 22, 2009
my face is doing the same peeling had surgery on 7/20/09
   — jminer410

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