Coating on tounge and always thursty.

My wife is about a month out after having laproscopic RNY Gastric Bypass. She has been having trouble with bad breath and a whitecoating on her tounge. She trys to get in all of her liquids. Any suggestions?    — JeffMoats (posted on September 16, 2007)

September 15, 2007
i don't really have an answer to your question. but, a white coating on the tongue usually indicates a yeast infection in the mouth. at least i know that to be the case with babies. she should probably call her PCP.
   — dolphindreams

September 15, 2007
Bad breath is a side effect of burning ketones - in other words, losing weight! She can try chewing parsley several times a day, drinking as much water as possible, and of course, brushing her teeth. Do not use breath mints because even the "sugar free" ones are actually full of sugar. The good news is after a few weeks the ketone burning process stabilizes, and the mouth should get relief.
   — Larissa P.

September 16, 2007
I have had that before, I haven't had surgery yet. one or two things? has she taken antibiotics lately? also does her tongue burn? if so I would say more than likely it is the thrash which is a yeast infection of the mouth. I had surgery for a tumor about 3 months ago, and same thing happened to me. go to dr. they will give you a liquid med. you swish and swallow. don't know about being sugarfree though, hope this helps.
   — Lisa Koch

September 16, 2007
This is typical/normal. Have her brush her tongue when she brushes her teeth. Sounds silly I know, but it works for some people-- and worked for me. This will go away. It's not thrush (although some do get it) but it's been so long that I had it, I can't remember what it's called. I just know it's normal. Hang in there, good luck and God Bless!
   — crystalsno

September 16, 2007
Ketosis, bad breathe, bad body odor, accompained by FAST weight loss:) I was thrilled when my wife complained I stanked. Brush the entire inside of your mouth, drink more water, often water tastes bad, so I got my water in sugar free koolaid which masked the YUK taste of water. Enjoy the ride the fast loss phase was FUN!
   — bob-haller

September 16, 2007
Too much protein not enough green leafy vegetables.
   — belovedideas

September 18, 2007
Eat yogurt to get rid of the tongue coating. Many times that is from antibiotics. I had antibiotics in the hospital via my IV and after I got home, my tongue was coated. Yogurt takes care of that!
   — Brandi F.

September 24, 2007
That kind os sounds like thrush. It's something babies get when you do not clean their tongue. Go figure. It could also be associated with ketosis. If it hurts, I know some quick cures, but I doubt she wants to have a purple mouth.
   — D. goza

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