In early recovery how often do you poop?

I am eating an egg, cottage cheese and a mozerella stick. As well as a protein shake and water, water , water. I have had one poop since surgery 13 days ago. I am wanting to know how often do you poop after WLS. does it ever get regular? is it dependant upon what you eat? What helps during early recovery?    — Tammy Douglas (posted on August 13, 2006)

August 12, 2006
Hi Tamera! I hope this isn't a duplicate, my computer just ate the first answer! Yes, I had the same problem after surgery, I think it was a week and a half before I pooped. Of course, I worked myself into a tizzy, thinking I had totally screwed up my intestines. It took a friend to point out that if I wasn't putting a whole lot in, I couldn't expect a whole lot out! (gee, just like life!) You have to call your surgeon before taking anything, but mine told me it was OK to take Milk of Magnesia, plus I take a couple of chewable fiber tablets daily. When you can eat solids, try to get a little salad or other fiber-rich food in every day, that will help a lot! And of course, the biggest factor is the water. If you get even a little bit dehydrated, your poop is going to be hard and dry and difficult to pass, and you definitely don't want to strain with a fresh incision. Way painful! Just hang in there, keep sipping, and remember, "This too shall pass." (sorry, some things are just impossible to resist....) Good luck! -- Mary
   — mwilson523

August 13, 2006
I'm two months post op, and am what I now consider regular.. I go every two to three days. The best thing I can recommend is to keep the liquids going because I've had a few times where I know that I wasn't going because it was just so dried out. I could feel that I had to go, and straining for two days isn't fun. The MOM is a good idea if you aren't getting any fiber in your diet. Also check for the liquid Citrucel that you can mix in water. There is a clear one that doesn't have any added sugars. There is also a sugar free orange one if you are on a severe sugar limited diet. At this stage in your diet, applesauce is a good fiber item for now. Now that I'm eating real food again, I'm eating some lettuce every day and a triscuit or two. It will get better but as you arent putting a lot in, don't expect to get a lot out. GOOD LUCK AND WELCOME TO THE LOSING SIDE!
   — oceanrayne

August 13, 2006
Tamera, Yes it is o>k to take the Milk of Magnesia it will not harm anything. That is really good & works fairly quickly. It is an ongoing problem we deal with because of the amounts of protien we your system is still getting rid of the anathesia from surgery. You tend to forget that it can take up to 3 weeks to get it all out of your system. Take the MOM & you should be fine. I took it every couple of days in the beginning.II agree with some of the others that it does get better, but don't expect too much, since the eating habits will & have changed so drastically from what you were eating. Don't strain or worry it will all work out soon. Marilyn, the Bearlady
   — Marilyn C.

August 13, 2006
I have found if I drink a 1/2 cup of decaf coffee in the morning, about 1 hr later I have to go.
   — Danita S.

August 13, 2006
Boy'o'Boy, at first it was as if I was never going to stop pooping. Just a drink and I had to go. (Finally borrowed a rug cleaner it was so bad!) But 5 days after receiving my RNY, I had my Hernia Op due to it Strangulating my Intestines and nothing was getting by. So NO POOPING either. But all is well now and poop if not every day dues to what I've eatten or at least every 2nd or 3rd day. Just stay near your potty, Mike
   — Michael Eak

August 14, 2006
Hi Tamera, I know it is worry-some. I suggest that you use a stool softener until you are able to eat more regular. It is an ongoing problem with WLS people. You might try taking Fiber One or Benefiber is what I had the best luck with. It is normal to not have daily "poops" as you are not eating enough to go daily. When you feel uncomforable, use stool softeners then use the fiber. It will help. Good Luck - Judy
   — jk_harris

August 14, 2006
Hello Tamera! Congrats on getting through the FIRST two weeks! :O) I hope you have no regrets...I've only been out for 4 weeks surgeon told us that if we didn't poop by day 3 to call his office; I did on day 2 and have been regular ever since...but, we were also advised to be on ONLY liquids for 3 weeks after surgery and then JUST soft foods for 2 weeks...cheese is recommended in VERY small portions since it may may want to try refried beans instead (without lard)...Definitely check with your surgeon for the BEST advise! Keep on going~you're on your way to a new life! :O)
   — zoeysgrami

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